COVID corruption: Durban cops in court for R700 000 UIF fraud

Three members of the Durban Central Tactical Response team are expected to appear in the Specialised Crime Court on Tuesday, after their attempts to defraud the UIF fund of almost R700 000 were exposed.

Crooked cops cash-in on COVID corruption

According to Hawks, an application by the company ‘National Adhesive’ was accepted by the government scheme, which offers to pay the wages of workers who could not do their jobs due to COVID-19 and lockdown regulations. However, the banking details used for this process were changed on the sly.

The total amount of R692 185 was instead funneled to a private bank account, and was not used to compensate the 150 workers at the aforementioned business. Officials raised the alarm when the promised UIF funds didn’t arrive on the due date. It’s understood the main suspect has no employment connections with National Adhesive, and investigations are continuing to uncover the full extent of this fraudulent activity.

UIF fraud case exposed

Hawks have issued a statement on the COVID corruption, ahead of a scheduled court appearance. According to the crime-fighting body, the illegally-acquired UIF funds were eventually transferred to the bank accounts belonging to two fellow suspects. Another person of interest, cooperating with police, is also due in the dock.

“National Adhesive applied for Covid-19 Unemployment Insurance Funds (UIF) relief funds for their employees and their application was duly processed. It, however, emerged that the company’s banking details were fraudulently changed and an amount of R692 185 was deposited into another bank account.”

’’Investigations revealed that the account belonged to a police officer from the Durban Central Tactical Response Team. He allegedly transferred the money into different bank accounts belonging to another police officer and two civilians.”

’’Warrants of arrest were issued against the two police sergeants and a civilian and they were served on the three suspects on Monday. The fourth suspect was not arrested – but H3 was warned to appear in court with the other three as he was cooperating with the investigations.’’

Hawks statement

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