Guptas’ application for South African passport renewal denied

Members of the infamous Gupta family, who face extradition to South Africa on numerous counts of corruption, have applied to have their passports renewed.

This was confirmed by Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi on Tuesday 24 December, when responding to question posed by SABC News. While the minister didn’t name the brothers – Ajay, Atul and Rajesh “Tony” – he explained that ‘some members of the family’ have reapplied to have their South African passports renewed.

This is the latest twist in the ongoing Gupta saga, which has recently intensified as international agencies join the hunt for the brothers. In October, the United States of America (USA) placed economic sanctions on the Gupta family, effectively blacklisting the brothers and tightening the judicial net.

Guptas wanted for leading the State Capture project

The Guptas, who fled South Africa under a cloud of controversy and the promise of prosecution in April 2016, have reportedly been holed-up in Dubai. The family’s quick exit out of South Africa came in the wake of former president Jacob Zuma’s downfall and resignation.

Both Zuma and the Gupta brothers remain firmly at the centre of investigations into State Capture. It’s alleged that the Guptas’ close connection to the Zuma family resulted in the widespread proliferation of corruption amongst state owned enterprises. This malfeasance, which embedded itself within the ruling African National Congress (ANC) during Zuma’s tenure, has devastated vital state owned enterprises, namely Eskom and Transnet – the consequences of which are still being felt by citizens, today.

It’s for this reason that the current administration, under president Cyril Ramaphosa, who has vowed to uproot corruption in all of its forms, desperately seeks to have the Gupta brothers extradited back to South Africa.

Bizarre passport application in light of extradition efforts

The United Arab Emirates, however, has not yet cooperated with the request for extradition. Justice Minister Ronald Lamola recently elaborated on the current predicament saying:

“We have to establish through the meetings why the U.A.E has not signed the extradition treaty.”

In the midst of hunt, the Gupta brothers, who stand to be imprisoned for lengthy periods of time if found guilty of corruption, shocked government by reapplying for their South African passports. Motsoaledi noted the bizarre application, in light of looming jail time, saying:

“Yes they’ve applied even though the South African government’s trying to extradite them.”

Motsoaledi, who said that members of the family had lodged their applications “3 weeks ago”, reassured South Africans that he would not be renewing the Guptas’ passports, adding:

“Obviously, there’s no way I’m going to be stupid enough… with the Department of Justice looking for them. They can’t travel to any part of the world because they are using a South African passport.”

Lamola is expected to meet with representatives from the UAE in January 2020 in order to further the discussions around the extradition of the Gupta family.

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