Zenzeleni Project: How a community got itself online and in the mix
An innovative project aiming to bring WiFi to the homes of some 3500 South Africans living in impoverished areas of the Eastern Cape has inspired prospects of replicating the initiative throughout the country.
The Zenzeleni Project has so far been able to provide access to solar powered Wi-Fi networks to the Mankosi community, which is, for the most part, disconnected from the national electricity grid. It has provided affordable internet to the community since 2012.
Getting a community online
The community has been revitalised by the project, rolled out by the University of the Western Cape (UWC) and the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), and implemented by the Technology Innovation Agency.
The project has been running successfully since 2012, with residents having access to affordable solar-powered wi-fi telecommunication networks.
“Zenzeleni Networks has connected three schools, three businesses, two non-government organisations and over 3 000 users,” said UWC spokesperson Nicklaus Kruger.
For R25, a user can enjoy unlimited Wi-Fi data valid for 32 days, with a download speed of 2 048 Kbps.
The project is South Africa’s first cooperative-owned internet service provider telecommunications network.
Professor Shaun Pather, Chair of Information Systems at UWC, said that the project can be seen as a model to be implemented throughout the country.
“The Zenzeleni project is about developing an innovative bottom-up community ownership model to address the ‘true access gap’ in rural South Africa – because normal market forces have not addressed the rural divide,” said Pather.
“As such we have been playing a very active advocacy role in terms of influencing policy reform in the South African telecommunications landscape”.
SA’s poor connection
South Africa currently has one of the world’s lowest household internet access, with consumer’s sometimes spending up to 22% of their income on data, which was also ranked among the most expensive in the world until Tuesday’s announcement by the Competition Commission that prices will drop significantly.
The tiny cluster of villages in Ward 26 of the Nyandeni Municipality has extremely low access to services, a paltry income average of around R388/month, and low levels of education (13% of people with completed matric).
Before the Zenzeledi Project began making inroads into alleviating some of the communitiy’s technological burdens, residents would charge their cellphones at a local shop or shebeen.
Prohibitive data costs meant that 15% of the population reported they sacrificed on basic food to use mobile phone services in 2012.
Nzimande inspired by project
Higher Education, Science and Technology Minister Blade Nzimande visited the remote village on Thursday 5 March, and said that the inspiring story of social cohesion and innovation was something that should be implemented to embattled communities nationwide.
“By providing affordable connectivity in areas where there was none, or where it is not feasible for large telecommunications companies, community networks contribute to the empowerment of marginalised populations by fostering the local economy, creating local employment and small, micro and medium enterprises, and contributing to the social cohesion of the community they serve,” Nzimande said.
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