Riots: Herman Mashaba gives Ramaphosa 60 days to form inquiry

Action SA wants answers on the recent riots which rocked KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) and Gauteng and has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to establish a judicial commission of inquiry in that respect.

The party, led by former Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba, is giving Ramaphosa 60 days to request the Acting Chief Justice, Raymond Zondo, to provide a shortlist of 3 judges from which the President should choose to chair such an inquiry.

“Such an inquiry, led by a judge, is the only way of ensuring that those who are responsible for the death and the destruction visited upon the residents of KZN and Gauteng are held to account, regardless of who they are or the position they hold within the ANC,” Ramaphosa.

Malls, shopping centres and other business establishments were destroyed during a week-long looting spree in parts of Gauteng and KZN earlier in July. They had started out as demonstrations demanding former president Jacob Zuma’s release from prison. Zuma is currently being held at the Estcourt Correctional Centre, where he is serving a 15-month contempt of court sentence imposed by the Constitutional Court.

While Ramaphosa has labelled the recent unrest as a failed insurrection, others are not in agreement.

Action SA, on the other hand, believes the attacks were well-planned and wants the commission to get to the bottom of the matter.

“Those who witnessed the unrest have spoken of an advanced communication network which directed people to specific locations and how this coordination resembled a planned approach to target key economic infrastructure. The confusion caused by Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula’s contradictory statement regarding what President Cyril Ramaphosa termed a failed attempted insurrection cannot go unchecked”

Action SA founder Herman Mashaba

Riots: Here’s what Action SA wants the probe to cover

Action SA wants the inquiry to establish:

  • The identity of ring-leaders from the ANC and wherever else they may come from who are responsible for the coordinated attacks on communities
  • The culpability of senior ANC members and politicians in inciting acts of violence and destruction
  • Who funded the operation of these coordinated attacks
  • Whether any current and former members of the South African Police Service (SAPS), South African National Defence Force (SANDF), or our intelligence apparatus supported the insurrection
  • Examine the impact of the security cluster’s failure to timeously address violence on the wellbeing of residents’ lives and livelihoods in KZN and Gauteng
  • Make recommendations for criminal prosecutions for those implicated in these coordinated attacks where appropriate

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