Meghan told Royals she was suicidal – only to receive this ‘shocking response’

After facing a battering from the tabloid press, Meghan – the Duchess of Sussex – believed she would be ‘better off dead’ to protect the Royal institution. Her claims may have been shocking, but they pale in comparison with the alleged response from monarchy officials. According to the ‘then suicidal’ 39-year-old, her desperate pleas fell on deaf ears.

Meghan opens up about suicidal thoughts

Meghan told Oprah Winfrey, in an exclusive interview, that she made it clear to Palace representatives she was feeling suicidal, as the constant glare of the media spotlight crushed both her and Prince Harry. However, she was denied any sort of support because the Royal spouse ‘was not classified as a paid member of the family’.

It’s understood that Meghan was left feeling helpless, and ‘nothing was ever done’ to address her seriously stricken mental state. According to the American, senior people were more interested in protecting their own image.

“I went to one of the most senior people to get help. I was told I couldn’t because it wouldn’t be good for the institution. I thought it my suicide would solve everything for everyone. I went to Human Resources but they said: ‘There is nothing we can do to help you because you are not a paid member of the institution’ – Nothing was ever done.”

Palace ‘refused to help’ when alarm raised

Both Prince Harry and his brother William have been campaigning for greater awareness about mental health issues – so these revelations will come as a massive blow to a family that wants to appear sympathetic and understanding on these matters. Meghan, meanwhile, revealed she thought about ending her own life ‘constantly’.

“I… just didn’t want to be alive anymore. And that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought. Yes, I was having suicidal thoughts. This was very, very clear. I’m scared, because this is very real. This isn’t some abstract idea. This is methodical, and this is not who I am.”

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