UN says opioids are the drugs doing the most harm worldwide

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have released their 2020 drug report detailing trends in the abuse of pharmaceuticals and illegal narcotics.

Around 269 million people used drugs worldwide in 2018, which is 30 per cent more than in 2009, while over 35 million people suffer from drug use disorders, according to the latest World Drug Report.

Opioid abuse explodes

The UNODC say that while cannabis is the most widely used recreational substance, opioids cause the most harm.

Opioids are a class of drugs naturally found in the opium poppy. Some prescription opioids are made from the plant directly, and others are synthesized in laboratories using the same chemical structure. Opioids are often used as medicines because they contain chemicals that relax the body and can relieve pain.

The abuse of these drugs has exploded with massive amounts of opioid drugs being produced. The use of opiods now outsrips the use of heroin inflicting a great deal of harm on society.

“Opioids remain the most harmful [narcotic], as over the past decade, the total number of deaths due to opioid use disorders went up 71 per cent, with a 92 per cent increase among women compared with 63 per cent among men,” the report claims.


The UNODC warn that drug use is expanding in the developing world where it also does the greatest harm due, in part, to a lack of resources to identify and treat addiction.

“Drug use increased far more rapidly among developing countries over the 2000-2018 period than in developed countries. Adolescents and young adults account for the largest share of those using drugs, while young people are also the most vulnerable to the effects of drugs because they use the most and their brains are still developing.”

Cannabis trends

The UNODC noted the trend towards legalizing the use of cannabis while also pointing out that it remains the substance that accounts for the most arrests.

“While the impact of laws that have legalized cannabis in some jurisdictions is still hard to assess, it is noteworthy that frequent use of cannabis has increased in all of these jurisdictions after legalization. In some of these jurisdictions, more potent cannabis products are also more common in the market.

“Cannabis also remains the main drug that brings people into contact with the criminal justice system, accounting for more than half of drug law offences cases, based on data from 69 countries covering the period between 2014 and 2018.”

Socio-economically disadvantaged face greater risk

Poverty, limited education and social marginalization remain major factors increasing the risk of drug use disorders and vulnerable and marginalized groups may also face barriers to getting treatment services due to discrimination and stigma.

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