The Labia Theatre to launch video-on-demand screening service
The Labia Theatre is set to launch a video-on-demand streaming service of Labia-curated films to viewers in South Africa this July.
Watch a range of independent films
The theatre, which is considered to be “Cape Town’s iconic 4-screen independent cinema”, will soon deliver what they call a “5th dimension”. It’s reported that the platform will have Labia-curated independent films available nationwide from 1 July 2020 at R60 which, once paid, will be available to watch for up to six hours.
“Labia Home Screen has been born out of the lockdown,” says Ludi Kraus, a spokesperson for the cinema. “We’ve been at home since March without any income and thought about what we could do to earn an income. We had several patrons asking us, so we thought that a streaming service would make sense. We investigated it and finally got it together, and we’re hoping to launch on Wednesday.”
What to watch on Labia Home Screen
The type of content the service will stream is quite unique as it will have an arthouse, award-winning, and foreign-language titles. Some of these include Tracks, an “exhilarating adventure that opens up an unknown world”.
Another film to be released includes Clouds of Sils Maria where a veteran actress comes face-to-face with an uncomfortable reflection of herself when she agrees to take part in a revival of the play that launched her career.
Another film on its way is Cold War. Sumptuously shot in luminous black and white, and set against the background of the Cold War in the 1950s, an impossible romance in impossible times, as a singer and a piano player fall deeply, obsessively and destructively in love. Visit the Labia Home Screen website for more information.
Cinemas start to gear up for their reopening
It’s still awaiting the finer detail following the president’s announcement last week that cinemas will reopen following revisions to the Alert Level 3 lockdown regulations, but South Africa’s cinema industry has welcomed the confirmation and is gearing up for reopening. What seems likely, though, is that there will be fewer patrons in a cinema, screening times will be staggered in complexes with multiple screens, ticket sales will be online-only, and food will not be sold. Similar measures are already in place in countries where cinemas have been allowed to reopen.
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