Tito Mboweni ‘questions his position’ in late-night Twitter rant

Tito Mboweni has long been one of the most outspoken characters with the ANC. His tenure as finance minister has seen him lock horns with his own colleagues on several occasions. But, following a late-night Twitter storm on Tuesday, it seems the Cabinet member has a more holistic problem with his party.

What Tito Mboweni Tweeted about the ANC

It’s likely that Mboweni will face admonishment at some point: He’s already been warned about his conduct online, and frequently makes no secret of the fact that he disagrees with some major ANC policies. His latest grievances appear to be with the cigarette ban, and the BEE rules applied to the tourism relief fund.

Tito told his followers that being in his position felt like he was being made to ‘swallow rocks’. He then contemplated his decision to become a minister in 2018, bemoaning the lack of personal freedoms and torrents of abuse that come with the territory. He’s not happy with the paycheck, either:

“Not so long ago, I was a free man, no political constraints. Then I agreed voluntarily to join the government. I am free, but not free! You have to obey the majority and collective decisions! Sometimes it feels like swallowing a rock!”

“I have often asked myself the question: What is the art of politics? The path to power and how to stay in power! And lead your people correctly. Corruption free. Why do people want to be in power, actually? Why? It’s a poorly paying, thankless and abusive job!”

Tito Mboweni

Finance minister may have more rocks to swallow after this

We’ve been here before with Tito Mboweni, but this is the first time we’ve seen him attack both the party and openly consider why he bothered to return to politics. The outspoken figure will likely face another slap on the wrist for his behaviour, but one has to ask: Will he even care?

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