Weather forecast, alerts and UVB index for all South African provinces, 28 August 2021

Weather data provided by the South African Weather Service. For a detailed forecast of your province, click here.

Severe Weather Alerts


  1. Yellow level 4: Disruptive snowfalls are expected over the south-western parts of KZN and over the high lying areas of the Eastern Cape, which may result in loss of livestock and crops, some mountain passes closed,danger to life and some communities temporarily inaccessible.
  2. Yellow level 2 for disruptive rain leading to flooding can be expected on over Alfred Nzo DM, OR Tambo DM, Sakhisizwe LM, Engcobo LM and Elundini LM in the Eastern Cape.
  3. Yellow Level 2 Warning for WAVES resulting in difficulty in navigation at sea between Alexander Bay and Plettenberg Bay.
  4. Yellow level 4 IBF warning for severe thunderstorms are expected over the Mpumalanga escarpment with possible road flooding large amounts of small hail that could damage cars and infrastructure as well as strong winds that could results in falling trees.


  1. Nil.


  1. Nil.


Temperature: Cloudy at first with morning showers, otherwise partly cloudy and cold but cool in the north.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: High.


Temperature: Partly cloudy and warm but cool in the south. Isolated showers and thundershowers are possible in the afternoon.


Temperature: Partly cloudy and warm to hot.

North-West Province:

Temperature: Cool over the extreme north-eastern parts, otherwise partly cloudy, windy and cold, becoming fine form the west.

Free State:

Temperature: Very cold over the western and in places over the central parts, otherwise partly cloudy, windy and cold. Rain are expected over the southern parts and spreading along the Lesotho border with light snowfall over the high-laying areas as well. It will clear from the west from the afternoon.

Northern Cape:

Temperature: Fine in the west by the evening, otherwise cloudy to partly cloudy and very cold to cold.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh southerly to south-easterly.

Western Cape:

Temperature: Cloudy to partly cloudy and very cold to cold with rain in the west and the south.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh westerly to south-westerly in the south otherwise light to moderate southerly to south-easterly.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Low.

Eastern Cape:

The Western half Temperature: Cloudy and cold with isolated showers and rain, but scattered along the coast, becoming partly cloudy in places over interior from the afternoon. Snowfalls can be expected in high lying areas early morning.

The Western half – Wind: The wind along the coast will be Strong south westerly, becoming moderate in the evening.

The Eastern half Temperature: Cloudy and cold to very cold with scattered showers and rain, but widespread in the east as well as south of escarpment. Significant snowfalls are expected over high lying areas.

The Eastern half Wind: The wind along the coast will be Strong south westerly, becoming moderate in the evening.


Temperature: Partly cloudy in the north at first, otherwise cloudy and cool to cold but very cold in places in the south. Scattered showers and thundershowers are expected but widespread in the south.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be Fresh to strong southerly to south-westerly.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Low.

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