Riots in SA: ANOTHER ringleader arrested for ‘crimes against the state’

SAPS has confirmed that another suspected ringleader of the devastating July riots will appear in court today, after a complex operation ended up catching the suspect out earlier this week.

Who is the latest riot ringleader arrested in South Africa?

Hawks, teaming up with the Free State SAPS Crime Intelligence, were able to trace the accused before making their move. Details remain sketchy ahead of the hearing, but here’s what we know about the man appearing in the dock.

  • The suspect was arrested on Monday 9 August.
  • At this early stage, we know he is a 40-year-old male, residing in Free State
  • Hawks’ ‘Crimes Against The State’ Division traced the accused to Bloemfontein, in a joint-intelligence operation.
  • The case against him could be damning, after ‘exhibits were found’ upon his person during a police search.
  • He is facing charges of ‘incitement to commit public violence’, and stands accused of instigating the violent riots.
  • The suspect cannot be named until he appears in Bloem’s Magistrate’s Court later on Wednesday.

‘Crimes against the state’ team apprehend suspect

Over 300 people were killed as a result of violence, riots, and looting last month. The entire debacle called into question the competency of SAPS, the government, and certain ministers. Cyril Ramaphosa eventually reshuffled his Cabinet once the mood had calmed in KZN and Gauteng. SAPS, meanwhile, are keen to process their man in custody:

“Another suspect is expected to appear in the Bloemfontein Magistrate’s Court this morning – following his arrest on Monday 9 August 2021 by the Hawks’ members of Crimes Against the State (CATS) Head Office, who were assisted by Free State Provincial SAPS Crime Intelligence as well as their Tactical Response Team.”

“In a joint intelligence-led investigation, the team managed to trace one of the alleged instigators in the recent violent protests, looting of businesses, and destruction of infrastructure, ensuring the apprehension of the 40-year-old suspect. The accused will now answer to charges relating to incitement to commit public violence.”

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