Mbalula vs Niehaus: Bizarre BBC interview sparks bitter Twitter spat

A war is brewing between Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula and MKMVA member and staunch Jacob Zuma loyalist Carl Niehaus. 

Taken aback by Mbalula’s widely criticised interview with the BBC this week, Niehaus issued the self-titled “Mr Fix” with a legal letter claiming that the Transport Minister made defamatory claims against him relating to Niehaus’ alleged involvement in inciting the riots and looting that took place earlier this month. 

Now, Mbalula has clapped back, issuing Niehaus with his own legal retort. 

Niehaus accuses Mbalula of defamation  

Niehaus sent Mbalula a lawyers letter in which he claimed that the latter had maliciously and incorrectly accused him of adopting a starring role in the civil unrests witnessed last week in KZN and Gauteng. Mbalula told the BBC that the MKMVA member “was in the forefront and some other people around him who were basically in the forefront of undermining for the rule of law”. 

“Your statements or allegations are false, malicious and misleading. They mean that Mr Niehaus led or was part of the people who led or orchestrated the civil unrests, which is false. Mr Niehaus did not lead or orchestrate the civil unrests,” the letter read. “They imply that Mr Niehaus is a criminal or engages in criminal acts, again which is false and misleading. Mr Niehaus is not a criminal, does not engage in criminality or incite people to engage in criminality.”

Niehaus’ lawyers said that Mbalula had pointed an accusatory finger “for the sole purpose of gaining popularity at the expense of Mr Niehaus”. They gave Mbalula 24-hours to respond and apologise, failing which they would proceed with legal action. 

Transport Minister responds  

The transport Minister – who formerly referred to himself as “Fear F*okal” – needed less than 24-hours, and responded on Friday 23 July. 

“Your client is a self-confessed (publicly) fraudster and perpetual mishandler and abuser of his personal finances which has repeatedly landed him in disrepute,” Mbalula said via his attorneys. 

“Accordingly, the allegations in your letter that he … is not a criminal, does not engage in criminality…’ and that he promotes and maintains high standards of discipline and professional integrity and the suggestion that he is a person of good standing and reputation, are patently untrue.”

During his BBC interview, Mbalula claimed that Niehaus is a leading member of the #FREEJACOBZUMA campaign, and accused him of playing a key role in the violence that ensued. 

“Last week’s public riots and looting were sparked or incited by the imprisonment of Jacob Zuma, of which the campaign admits it knew before they commenced, but took no steps to stop. Instead it fuelled them,” they said. 

Mbalula said that Niehaus has disregarded all COVID-19 protocols and endangered the lives of thousands of people by fuelling the riots. Niehaus was arrested for contravening lockdown regulations earlier this month and was released after signing an admission of guilt statement. 

Mbalula essentially dismissed the action threatened by Niehaus, saying in the letter that he will “oppose or defend any legal steps which your client may ill-advisedly take against him”. 

“Our offices are authorised to accept any legal process by your client on behalf of our client,” Mbalula’s lawyer’s wrote. 

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