Rising temperatures will kill more people than disease, study says

If the world warms by three degrees Celsius by the end of the century, a scenario considered likely by some scientists, then an additional 73 people per 100,000 will die from these hotter temperatures each year.

Global Citizen, an international non-profit that aims to end extreme poverty by 2030, says this would see temperature become a bigger killer than all infectious diseases combined – including malaria, HIV and tuberculosis.  

In a report released on Tuesday, it says the bulk of these deaths will be concentrated in low-income countries that are the least responsible for the climate crisis.

A double whammy of inequality

The original research was published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a US-based private non-profit that conducts economic research.

“It’s this double whammy of inequality,” Amir Jina, an environmental economist at the University of Chicago and a co-author of the study, told Global Citizen. “Not only are poorer countries getting worse impacts, but they’re also not able to pay as much to reduce these impacts.”

“For wealthy countries, the cost of climate change seems like it’s coming through money. But for poorer countries, they’re paying for climate change with their lives,” he added.

Heat-related deaths are non-linear

The study found that while deaths have a direct relationship with temperature increases, the relationship is non-linear, meaning death rates rise faster the hotter it becomes.

More than double the amount of people will die following a two-degree Celsius increase than the amount of people who will die during a one-degree Celsius increase, for example.

The gist of this conclusion isn’t new, Global Citizen notes.

First study to include all nations

Other studies have shown that rising temperatures will lead to higher deaths, but Jina said past analyses have focused on temperate, high-income countries.

His team’s study is the first that brings in global, comprehensive data to assess the outlook for all countries, he explained.

In all warming scenarios, the team at the Bureau for Economic Research found that deaths will be concentrated in low-income countries that have released the least emissions.

Countries such as Ghana, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sudan will face an additional 200 or more deaths per 100,000 people at this threshold.

Heat attacks underlying conditions

Heat-related deaths are both direct and indirect, the study explains.

A person can die from heat stroke, but the vast majority die from health complications from underlying conditions.

For instance, a person can suffer cardiac arrest as their heart beats faster to cool down, an event that wouldn’t have otherwise happened in a normal temperature range.

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