PPE corruption is ‘actually murder’ says world health body

In comments that will resonate with angry and corruption-weary South Africans, the Director-General of the Geneva-based World Health Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has labelled PPE corruption as “criminal” and “actually murder”.

Speaking during a press wide-ranging conference on Friday, Ghebreyesus said corruption relating to personal protective equipment (PPE) during the pandemic was unacceptable.

Health workers risk their lives

Answering a question specifically related to South Africa’s PPE scandal, he stated: “If health workers work without PPE, we’re risking their lives. And that also risks the lives of the people they serve.”

The Director-General added: “So it’s criminal and it’s murder and it has to stop.”

Reporting on the media briefing, the BBC also noted that, although the question related to allegations of corruption in South Africa, a number of countries have faced similar issues.

“On Friday, protests were held in the Kenyan capital Nairobi over alleged graft during the pandemic, while doctors from a number of the city’s public hospitals went on strike over unpaid wages and a lack of protective equipment,” the broadcaster said.

Could be over within two years

Commenting on other topics related to the pandemic, Ghebreyesus said it could be over within two years.

Referencing the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-20 that killed 50-million people worldwide, he noted that it had taken two years to overcome. At that time there was also widespread malnutrition and tuberculosis, which made the population all the more fragile.

Now there was a far greater level of science and technology being brought to bear, which could help shorten the cycle. But, at the same time there is now a greater level of global interconnectedness that assists in spreading the virus.

He stressed the importance of “national unity, global solidarity” at a time when the current pandemic has killed almost 800 000 people and infected nearly 23-million to date.

Recommendations for kids

Meanwhile, Euro News reports that on Friday the WHO also released new recommendations, among them one for children aged 12 and above.

According to WHO, they should wear protective face masks under the same conditions as adults to fight the pandemic. This should especially the case “when they cannot guarantee a distance of at least one meter from others and whether the transmission is generalised in the area concerned “.

Children aged five and younger should not be required to wear a mask. “This recommendation is based on the safety and overall interest of the child, and on his ability to use a mask correctly with minimal assistance,” the WHO said.

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