US college students throw parties with the aim of being infected

Sometimes stories just seem so preposterous that you can’t make them up. Apparently students in the US state of Alabama are throwing “coronavirus parties” with the aim of seeing who can become infected first.

Authorities in the city of Tuscaloosa say the idea is to throw a party and invite a few people known to be infected with COVID-19. The bulk of the party-goers, who are not infected, then put money into a pot and the first person to be infected takes the “prize”.

Fire chief in Tuscaloosa confirms the parties

The incidents have been confirmed by the Tuscaloosa Fire Chief, Randy Smith, and by a city councillor, Sonya McKinstry.

Tuscaloosa is the seventh-largest city in Alabama and home to the University of Alabama and several other colleges.

According to reports by America’s ABC News programme and news channel CNN, it is unclear whether anyone has so far been infected as a result of attending any of the parties.

It makes no sense, says outraged city councillor

McKinstry immediately informed the city council about her finding and then briefed the full council on the matter.

“They put money in a pot and they try to get COVID. Whoever gets it first gets the pot. It makes no sense,” she said. “They’re intentionally doing it.”

Addressing the council, Smith said that initially the information seemed unbelievable. 

“We thought that was kind of a rumour at first,” the fire chief told the council members.

“We did some research. Not only do the doctors’ offices confirm it, but the state confirmed they also had the same information.”

Authorities are trying to break up the parties

ABC News reports that Smith has not identified the colleges involved. Nor has he detailed what actions are being taken to curb the practice.

But McKinstry told ABC News: “We’re trying to break up any parties that we know of.”

“It’s nonsense,” she added. “But I think when you’re dealing with the mind frame of people who are intentionally doing stuff like that and they’re spreading it intentionally, how can you truly fight something that people are constantly trying to promote?”

Probably more parties that officials don’t know about

In a separate interview with CNN, McKinstry said that over the past few weeks there have been several parties in the city and surrounding areas, and probably more that officials don’t know about.

“It makes me furious,” she stated. “Furious to the fact that something that is so serious and deadly is being taken for granted. Not only is it irresponsible, but you could contract the virus and take it home to your parents or grandparents.”

Also read: South Africans are tired of lockdown – what happens if it returns?

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