Rescued elephant seal pup Ziggy goes solo as he catches a current home

Little Ziggy – who made headlines when he was born in mid-October after his mom stranded close to the Cape Recife Lighthouse, in Port Elizabeth – has embarked on a mammoth 2 000km journey home to elephant seal waters in the icy Southern Ocean.

The latest update on the brave young elephant seal’s whereabouts is that he is off the continental shelf of Africa and therefore, in all probability, making good headway in the Agulhas Current.

The Agulhas Current is a warm water current which follows the edge of the continental shelf, running south along the east coast of southern Africa.

Assisting him in making the plunge, were Bayworld marine biologist and Stranding Network regional co-ordinator Dr Greg Hofmeyr, who did his doctorate on the elephant seals of Marion Island. 

Perfect day for a release

Ziggy takes the plunge, Image: Janine Wolff

“We released him about 55km away from Port Elizabeth because that’s the nearest point to access the Agulhas which flows down the east coast of Africa before deflecting south off the Agulhas Bank about 200km out to sea.

“On Friday, the weather conditions was perfect. He got a check-up from the vet on Thursday evening and at 4.30 we drove him to the harbour. He was definitely not happy about all the commotion so early in the morning,” said Hofmeyr.

“We are hoping that he would make it to the closest sub-Antarctic island, which is Marion Island, in about three to four months’ time. Because there is also a research centre on the island, it would be great if they could continue to monitor him there.”

Rare occasion of birth on SA shores

Ziggy and his mother, Zelda, cool off. Image: Dot Hall

Ziggy’s mom, dubbed Zelda, gave birth to her pup on 24 October, the first time since the 1950s that this has happened on the South African coast. While adult elephant seals do occasionally strand on our coastline, according to Hofmeyr it has only happened about seven times before that these animals had pupped here.

Hofmeyr said the reason for Zelda coming to the South African coast to have her pup, remains a mystery.

“She might have been lost. What we do know is that she is not a young animal anymore. I don’t think she is a first-time mom. Maybe it is age-related or it might even be climate change. We simply can’t tell.”

Under 24-hour watch

Ziggy’s release marks the happy ending of an all-hands-on deck rescue and safekeeping project involving 25 volunteers who guarded Zelda and Ziggy 24 hours a day.

Hofmeyr had raced to the scene after being alerted of the stranding and birth. The newborn seal was in danger of drowning with the rising tide and the inadequate beach the mother had chosen.

“It was a very narrow beach with too many people. We could see that the mom was nervous with the tide also coming in,” said Hofmeyr.

The only solution was to grab the pup, who then weighed 40kg, and with a team of volunteers stretchered it down to a bigger beach at the Cape Recife Lighthouse.

“The amazing thing was that the mom was so angry that she followed us in the water for 3.5km where we put Ziggy down on a safe stretch of beach close to the lighthouse.”

Zelda spent the next three weeks nursing her pup before setting off for colder waters in mid-November.

Bayworld steps in for some ‘baby-sitting’

Bayworld staff stepped in to transport Ziggy with great care and effort to the oceanarium where they did some baby-sitting for six weeks until the 150kg youngster was ready for his big release last Friday.

“Normally, the pups will lie on the beach for another two or three weeks after their moms have finished nursing them and they then start foraging for themselves. But these pups are very vulnerable. We decided that we couldn’t just leave him there. He was captured in a special net and brought to Bayworld where we fattened him up for his trip home.”

The fuel cost for his three-hour journey on Raggy Charters to the release spot was covered by two anonymous sponsors.

Keeping track of Ziggy’s progress

Ziggy sports his headgear – a R25 000 satellite tracking device. Image: Greg Hofmeyr

To keep track of the youngster’s progress, Ziggy was fitted with a R25 000 special satellite tracking device which was glued to the fur on his head with a marine epoxy. The device will last about a year until he moults.

“Through the tracking device, we would be able to collect about a year’s worth of data. It will tell us a lot about how these animals behave when they first go to sea,” said Hofmeyr.

“And hopefully with the help of Ziggy, who comes from a completely different location than where the pups usually take to sea, we could learn about their ‘inner navigation system’.”

Hofmeyr said that he will be putting together a map of Ziggy’s journey shortly and the public would be able to follow his progress on the Facebook page “Port Elizabeth Museum Marine Mammals”.

There is however a possibility that he may take a wrong turn and land up on the South African coast again and if anyone does spot him, they should call the Stranding Network hotline on 071-724-2122.

“Ziggy would be identifiable by his yellow plastic flipper tags and his number is 0195,” Hofmeyr added.

And he’s off…Ziggy takes to the Agulhas Current on his way to the Southern Ocean islands. Image: Janine Wolff

Southern elephant seal fact file:

  • Southern elephants are the largest of all seals. Males can be six metres long and these super giants can weigh up to 4 000kg;
  • They take their name from their trunk-like inflatable snouts;
  • They live in the icy cold sub-Antarctic and Antarctic waters rich in the fish, squid, sharks, rays, molluscs, crustaceans and krill; 
  • These seals can dive up to 1 000m for up to 20 minutes at a time; and
  • Southern elephant seals breed on land, but spend their winters in the Antarctic waters near the Antarctic pack ice.

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