Joburg Mayor: Herman Mashaba’s furious tirade against his replacement

The man who quit his role as the Joburg Mayor in October has had his say on the candidate elected to succeed him – and there’s not a kind word to be found. Herman Mashaba has torn strips off of Geoff Makhubo, and the DA councillors who helped their ANC nemesis secure the majority vote.

It’s estimated that two or three DA members in Johannesburg gave their backing to the opposition, turning their backs on the party’s nominee Funzela Ngobeni. The unlikely support was enough to carry Makhubo over the line needed to win the ballot in the first round, and the ANC have seized control of the metro.

Herman Mashaba has his say on the new Joburg Mayor

In a statement released on Thursday morning, the red mist had not cleared from Mashaba’s mind. He first expressed his utter disdain towards Makhubo and his alleged record of corruption. The newly-appointed Joburg Mayor is accused of scoring R30 million in a tender fraud scam with the Gupta-linked Regiments Capital.

“I share the anger of five million residents that the work of turning the city round has been destroyed by the election of Geoff Makhubo. Instead of having a mayor who fights corruption, Johannesburg will have a mayor who is corrupt. I am deeply saddened and angered for the residents of the city.”

Herman Mashaba

DA councillors slamed for ‘betraying’ their party

Arguably, Makhubo gets the easiest ride of them all here, despite the stinging criticism. Herman Mashaba reserved his most venemous retorts for the turncoats within the DA. The former Joburg Mayor suspects that these members were planning to oust him in a no-confidence vote, and slammed their ‘self-serving’ motives:

“The fact that the Joburg Mayor was elected with the help of some DA councillors demonstrates everything wrong with our political system. These considerations were about personal and political benefit, rather than being about the residents of Johannesburg. And this is exactly why I had to leave the party.”

“This is not the DA I initially joined, now it’s a party who supports corrupt candidates. It’s clear for everyone to see the DA were ready to push me out of government. The councillors who backed Makhubo would definitely have supported the ANC’s motion of no confidence against me.”

Herman Mashaba

It’s the second time the DA have lost a metro in the past 15 months. Athol Trollip was ousted from Nelson Mandela Bay in September 2018, as his flimsy majority of one was collapsed by a defecting DA member. These fine margins have come back to bite the Blues on the backside.

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