Regional weather forecast (temperature and uvb index) 27 December 2021

Weather forecast data provided by the South African Weather Service. For a detailed forecast of your province, click here.

Severe Weather Alerts


1.An orange 6 warning for severe thunderstorms with heavy downpours, hail, damaging winds and excessive lightning expected over the central and eastern parts of the North-West, central and eastern parts of the Free State, Gauteng and western parts of the Mpumalanga Highveld and south-western parts of Limpopo, resulting in damages to infrastructure, settlements, vehicles, livestock and livelihood. Heavy downpours expected to result in flooding of roads, settlements and low-lying areas as well as cause danger to life.

2.Yellow level 4 warning for severe thunderstorms with heavy downpours, hail and excessive lightning expected over the western half of the Eastern Cape, resulting in localized damages to infrastructure, settlements, vehicles, livelihood and livestock. Localized flooding due to heavy downpours can also be expected.


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  1. NIL.

Temperature and UVB forecast


Temperature: Cloudy and cool with widespread showers and thundershowers.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Low.


Temperature: Morning fog patches on the escarpment, otherwise cloudy and cold to cool with scattered showers and thundershowers but widespread in the west. It will be warm in the Lowveld.


Temperature: Morning fog patches on the escarpment, otherwise cloudy cool to warm with scattered showers and thundershowers but widespread in the south-west.

North-West Province:

Temperature: Partly cloudy and cool to warm, with scattered to widespread showers and thundershowers. 

Free State:

Temperature: Partly cloudy and cool to warm, with scattered to widespread showers and thundershowers.

Northern Cape:

Temperature: Cloudy along the coast with isolated light rain at times, otherwise partly cloudy and cool to warm with isolated to scattered in the east.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate northerly to north-westerly.

Western Cape:

Temperature: Partly cloudy and warm over the eastern interior in the morning becoming cloudy with isolated showers and thundershowers in the afternoon. Drizzle and fog along the south coast in the morning. Light rain showers are expected along the south-west coast by midday spreading along the-south coast in the afternoon.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh south-westerly, but moderate to fresh north-westerly along the west and south-west coast in the morning and again from evening. 

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: High.

Eastern Cape:

The Western half –Partly cloudy at first, otherwise cloudy and warm with widespread showers and thundershowers. Severe thunderstorm with heavy downpours are possible in places.

The Western half – Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh westerly to south-westerly.

The Eastern half – Partly cloudy at first, otherwise cloudy and cool to warm with scattered showers and thundershowers, but widespread in the south-west.  

The Eastern half Wind: The wind along the coast will be light to moderate north-easterly, becoming moderate to fresh south-westerly in the afternoon, reaching strong in places.


Temperature: Cloudy and cool to warm with scattered showers and thundershowers but widespread in the west.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh north-easterly, becoming south-westerly in the extreme south late afternoon. 

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Low.

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