KZN Health MEC ignores COVID-19 rules during birthday bash

KZN Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane-Zulu was seen ditching her mask and ignoring social distancing protocols during a surprise birthday party over the weekend – and her list of excuses won’t cut it with some political opponents.

Who is Nomagugu Simelane-Zulu?

The regional health department has issued a statement on behalf of Simelane-Zulu. They have defender their leader, claiming that she was wary of attendance numbers and provided sanitser at the venue. A leaked video clip, which showed guests dancing in close proximity without masks on, was allegedly allowed because ‘people were still eating’.

We’re not sure that’s how it works, but alright. The KZN Health MEC’s ministry further explained:

“Upon her arrival, the MEC first expressed her surprise and noted that there was adequate social distancing. She then personally conducted a headcount of those who were in attendance, which showed that there were 36 people on site.”

“She encouraged those in attendance to adhere to social distancing and constantly use hand sanitiser that was freely available at the venue. Guests stood up to dance and weren’t wearing masks because they were still eating.”

“Simelane-Zulu deeply regrets the failure by some of the attendees, including herself, at that time, to wear masks, during this short performance during dining. She says she will submit a formal report to the KZN Premier.”

KZN Health MEC flouts COVID-19 rules

This reasoning has done nothing to appease the IFP, who are now calling for ‘swift investigations’ to take place. As far as they’re concerned, KZN Health MEC Simelane-Zulu has failed in her duty to lead by example.

“As the IFP, we say the ANC leaders should lead by example. They should walk the talk and show people how we should adhere to the protocols. We want investigations to be conducted. We want to know what this party was about with so many people gathered as if everything is normal yet COVID is still active. It still kills many people.” | IFP statement

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