Watch: Outrage as ANC politicians feast on chicken – in front of young boy

The ANC may have recorded another set of positive results during the most recent round of by-elections held this week, but video footage of some politicians on the campaign trail has been branded ‘clucking ridiculous’. South Africans have been left shocked by the actions of several senior members, after they scoffed chicken feet in front of a young boy.

‘For the vote’ – ANC spark outrage on campaign trail

Whatever the context, the optics are utterly tragic here. Loyiso Masuku, the Deputy Regional Secretary for the ANC in Johannesburg, isn’t particularly enjoying her snack – and admits to the camera that she’s only eating it ‘for the vote’. In another disgraceful show of no self-awareness, Masuku throws bones to the ground – again, right next to the child.

Meanwhile, Faith Mazibuko, Gauteng’s MEC for Safety and Security, can be heard parroting empty slogans such as ‘local economy’, over and over again. The disastrous video clip has been shared like wildfire online, with voters all across the country racing to condemn the delegation for their reckless behaviour:

Watch: ANC members eat chicken feet in front of young boy

Gauteng MEC apologises for role in ‘unfortunate video’

Mazibuko has since attempted to fight the social media firestorm on Thursday, posting her apology online. She states that eating chicken feet was not ‘to buy votes’, but rather, is a routine part of her campaigning wherever she goes. The MEC has distanced herself from the statement made by Masuku in the featured clip, too…

“There is a video circulating on social media, where I ate legs during door to door yesterday. It is well known that wherever I go to buy food in the community to support the local economy, venison is my favorite.”

“But I apologize for any inconvenience this video may have caused. The purpose was to buy food because we are hungry and to support the community – not to buy votes. I’m so sorry.”

Faith Mazibuko

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