Court sentence Free State man to 20 years for rape of lesbian woman

The Sasolburg Magistrates’ Court sentenced a Deneysville man to 20 years in prison for the rape and kidnapping of a lesbian woman.

On Monday, 10 May, Tsietsi Amos Mphuti was also sentenced to five years for kidnapping.


Regional NPA spokesperson Phaladi Shuping said the victim rejected Mphuti at a local pub in March 2020 when the incident occurred.

“On 13 March 2020, the victim went to a local pub to buy alcohol. Mphuti made a move on her but she rejected him and asked security at the pub to reprimand him.”

When the victim left the pub just after sunset Mphuti followed her and physically forced her into his employer’s house.

“On the way, he grabbed and forced her into his employer’s house he was looking after. The house was also used by church members for counselling sessions. He raped her the whole night and also assaulted her. He only allowed her to leave the following morning,” said Shuping.

The victim reported the incident to police and Mphuthi was later arrested.


According to the NPA, Mphuti told the court he had consensual sex with the victim and claimed they were in a relationship.

However state prosecutor, Mphakamisi Teki led evidence to show the court it was in fact the first time Mphuthi met the victim.

“There could have not been a relationship between them because she rejected him publicly in the pub when he made a move on her. The victim was taken by force and the assault is an indication that the sex was not consensual,” said Teki.

Magistrate Phakama Ngewu agreed with the evidence of the state and sentenced the accused to 20 years in prison for rape and five years for kidnapping. She also ordered that Mphuthi’s name be included in the National Register for Sex Offenders.

READ: Suspect arrested for murder of lesbian woman in Khayelitsha

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