Khusela Diko not going down without a fight over PPE saga

Suspended Presidency spokesperson Khusela Diko continues to deny any wrongdoing, particularly pertaining to the African National Congress (ANC) and its rules.

In a seven-page statement issued through her lawyers, Diko claims the ANC is accusing her of breaking rules which don’t even exist and intends appealing a finding by the ANC Provincial Disciplinary Committee (ANC PDC).

“Nowhere in the decision of the PDC is a rule quoted or relied upon that places a responsibility on a member of the ANC to disclose a spouse’s business interest to the PEC or the Provincial Office Bearers,” Diko’s lawyers said.

“It was admitted by both the ANC witnesses as well as the PDC itself that no such rule or practice exists and therefore the ruling consists of nothing more than their own beliefs and opinions on what they think ’should’ have been done in the circumstances, which opinions do not amount to the Rules of the ANC”

Khusela Diko, through her lawyers

The ANC PDC found that Diko was guilty of bringing the party’s name into disrepute by failing to disclose her late husband Thandisizwe Diko’s business interests.

However, according to Diko, there were no rules in the ANC which instructed members to declare their spouse’s business interests with government.

The charges emanate from findings that Thandisizwe Diko illegally scored a R125 million contract with the Gauteng Department of Health, to provide personal protective equipment (PPE).

The ANC in Gauteng resolved that she must step aside until the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) concludes its probe.

Khusela Diko takes aim at ANC Gauteng’s Jacob Khawe

At the same time, Khusela Diko has slammed the ANC Gauteng secretary Jacob Khawe, accusing him of making comments which were meant to slander her politically.

Diko said Khawe, who also happens to be her ex-husband, deliberately failed to mention she was appealing the ANC PDC’s findings and decisions, a move that effectively suspended any action being taken against her.

“We believe the comments attributed to the provincial secretary (Jacob Khawe) in the press purporting ignorance of Khusela Diko’s decision to appeal the findings of the PDC (provincial disciplinary committee) therefore are at the very least regrettable, at best they are blatantly dishonest and nowhere near cogent,” the statement released by Diko’s attorneys said.

“Further, it is our client’s assertion that there is no decision that has been taken by the provincial executive committee to accept and implement the findings of the PDC, particularly in light of the fact that our client has elected to exercise her constitutionally enshrined right to appeal/review the decision of the PDC.”

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