Shortage occupation list and the skilled worker visa

When a  job occupation is on the Shortage Occupation List, persons in these occupations will find it easier to qualify for a Skilled Worker visa.  

New roles on the Shortage Occupation List from April 2021:  

  • Pharmacists
  • Laboratory technicians 
  • Senior Care Workers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Nursing auxiliaries and assistants
  • Health services and public health managers and directors
  • Residential, day and domiciliary care managers 
  • Modern foreign language teachers 

These occupations will be added to the SOL for England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. 

Unfortunately, from 6 April 2021, the occupation of Chef will no longer be on the Shortage Occupation List. 

What is the Shortage Occupation List?

The Shortage Occupation List (SOL) is a list compiled by the UK Government that indicates the UK labour market shortages. The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) advises the UK Government regularly on what occupations should be added or removed from the SOL.  

If a specific job occupation is on the SOL, persons with these occupations will find it easier to qualify for the new Skilled Worker visa:

  • The employer can pay the person 80% of the usual going rate for the specific job occupations, and the applicant can still qualify. 
  • There is a lower, Skilled Worker visa application fee. 

You can read more about the very advantageous Skilled Worker visa at this link 

How Breytenbachs can help you 

Are you looking to make a career move in 2021? 

Why not consider a career in the UK under the Skilled Worker visa route. Please fill out our free online assessment form, and find out whether you qualify. 

Alternatively, visit our website at or email us at with your query. 

Please note that the information in this article does not constitute professional advice. It is provided for general information purposes without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. 

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