SA looks to ‘power ships’ as answer to energy crisis

The plan to supplement the county’s electricity generation capacity is progressing with the announcement of Turkish company Karpowership’s inclusion as a preferred bid as part of South Africa’s Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer Procurement Program (RMIPPPP).

Gwede Manatashe, the Mineral Resources and Energy minister released a statement on 18 March 2021 confirming that the Turkish company’s ships have received permission to dock in three ports.

The ships are approved for use in Coega, in the Eastern Cape, Richards Bay in KwaZulu-Natal and Saldanha in the Western Cape.

The RMIPPPP started accepting tenders from the market in August last year, with submissions closing in December. Mantashe said:

“The bid submission closed on 22 December 2020 and attracted a total of 28 bid responses with a potential contracted capacity of approximately 5,117MW”.

The RMIPPPP bid process aims to source additional electrical capacity to reduce the reliance on expensive diesel-based electrical generators.

According to Mantashe, the private sector’s positive response to the request for tenders will be to their benefit in finding competitively priced partners for the programme.

Based on the evaluation process, a total of eight bids have been selected as preferred bids. These eight bids represent 1 845MW, with another three eligible bids capable of adding 150MW.

The introduction of these power ships is seen as a way for Eskom to save billions by reducing diesel reliance on emergency power generation.

The Turkish power ships are fueled by Liquefied Natural Gas (LNF). LNF is more expensive than coal generation but considerably cheaper than diesel.

The significant advantage of these ships, though, is that they can be connected to the existing grid and be operational very quickly and don’t require any land.

It’s estimated that a power ship can be fully operational in 100 days. By comparison, building a coal-powered station would be a multi-year undertaking.

In addition, the ships are wholly operated and maintained by Karpowership and their holding company Karadeniz.

Despite the many benefits, there are still concerns about the the possible environmental impact of the ships. The introduction of the power ships would mean continued reliance on fossil fuels and the carbon emissions that come with it.

Should these bids ultimately be accepted and signed, it could alleviate the need for load shedding considerably and give Eskom much needed breathing room to effect repairs.

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