Wrapping coffins in plastic is unnecessary – Advisory Committee

The Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-19 has recently dubbed the wrapping of coffins in plastic as unnecessary. Throughout the pandemic, many were seen wrapping coffins in plastic as a precautionary and safety measure in case the deceased was COVID-19 positive but now, the committee says it’s a step that can be skipped. 

According to reports, the communication came after some citizens pointed out that the late Jackson Mthembu’s coffin was not wrapped in plastic.


According to the committee, the current World Health Organisation (WHO) guidance (September 2020) on burials reiterates the existing guidance and clarifies the previous recommendations (24 March 2020). 

“To date, there is no reported case of SARS CoV 2 transmission from a dead body to a human. There is very little risk of infection being transmitted from a dead body to those carefully handling the corpse. The possibility of the virus escaping during pressure applied to the chest soon after death might expel live virus but this has not been proven,” it said. 

When dealing with a dead body, all handlers must ensure that IPC precautions are in place such as wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Hand hygiene, good ventilation and a clean environment is also essential. 

“The wrapping of bodies and coffins in plastic coverings prior to burial is unnecessary,” it said.  

The committee said transmission at funerals occurs amongst the living due to overcrowding, lack of social distancing and wearing of masks, carrying out hand hygiene and good ventilation. 

“WHO recommends the use of body bags to transfer the corpse from the hospital bed to the mortuary or funeral parlour for preparation,” it added. 


The committee has put forward the following guidelines with regards to the handling of corpses:

  • Wrapping of the coffin with plastic or any other material is not required for infection control;
  • Wrapping of the corpse with plastic is not required for infection control, as there is no evidence of transmission of COVID-19 from a corpse;
  • Alternatives, such as a body bag, blanket or shroud may be used to wrap a corpse for burial;
  • The face may be exposed during the funeral proceedings, provided that it is not possible to touch or hug the face. To prevent touching the corpse, a Perspex or similar cover over the exposed face should be used; 
  • All those handling the corpse should use appropriate PPE as they may have to handle infectious materials and surfaces; and 
  • No exhumation or reburial should be conducted without legal authorisation.

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