Victims open case against Worcester police after viral sjambok incident

The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), on Thursday 21 January, confirmed that the victims, in the sjambok video that went viral on social media, have been identified. They have also opened a case against the officers at the Worcester Police Station. 

A video of police officers slapping and sjamboking two men went viral this week. Since it surfaced on social media, authorities have been trying to find the officers and identify the victims due to the sheer brutality of the incident. 

Western Cape police released a statement regarding preliminary findings and it stated that the police officers were attached to a unit in Worcester. It also said the use of a sjambok by police officials is not only forbidden but unlawful.


IPID National Spokesperson Ndileka Cola said they instituted an investigation into the sjambok incident. Cola said there were three police officers present, one was seen on video sjamboking a man, another was seen slapping a second victim and the third was present during the alleged assaults. 

“It is alleged that the incident occurred on Monday the 18 January 2021 in Worcester. IPID has so far managed to identify the Anti-Gang Unit members captured in the video footage,” said Cola. 

“IPID has managed to identify the two victims who are seen in the video footage being slapped, searched and sjamboked by AGU members, the victims have opened a case at Worcester Police Station, the Directorate continues to investigate this matter,” she added. 

When asked why the police officers involved have not yet been suspended, Cola said there is a process that needs to be followed. 

“IPID is investigating this incident, upon completing the investigation the directorate will compile a report with recommendations to the employer of the member that is SAPS and the DPP for decision to prosecute,” she explained.   


Western Cape SAPS, earlier this week, released preliminary findings into the sjambok incident. Brigadier Novela Potelwa listed them as seen below: 

  • The incident occurred in Worcester near an industrial area on Monday, 18 January 2021;
  • The police vehicle in the video belongs to Ceres police station (hence the marking on the side of the van) but is currently utilised by a police unit  in Worcester;
  • The police officials captured in the video have been identified and are SAPS employees attached to a unit in Worcester; and 
  • The two individuals (one searched, slapped and another sjamboked) are yet-to-be identified and interviewed as part of the investigation.

Since the preliminary findings, the victims have been identified and have opened a case as revealed by IPID. The police officers attached to the Worcester policing unit have also now been identified as Anti-Gang Unit members. 

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