SADC festive border chaos worsened by lack of dialogue between member states – ISS

The dramatic scenes that played out at South Africa’s border posts between its neighbours were largely due to a “lack of coordination” between governments and failure to implement strategies agreed on by Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) says in its latest analysis of the chaotic events.

Dialogue at a high level could have averted much of the crisis, writes Southern Africa Project Leader Liesl Louw-Vaudran and Consultant Ringisai Chikohomero.

The Beitbridge Border between South Africa and Zimbabwe and the Lebombo border with Mozambique were particularly chaotic, they note, with travellers, trucks, and passenger vehicles delayed for days.

They point out that the resultant panic and congestion potentially aggravated the coronavirus pandemic.

Many people used dangerous illegal routes to cross into South Africa after spending Christmas at home as border procedures had slowed down due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Covid-19 pandemic regulations

The Beitbridge situation can largely be blamed on Zimbabwe’s government, which unilaterally announced on 3 January that all its borders would be closed due to the COVID-19 surge, Louw-Vaudran and Chikohomero said citing a report in The Citizen.

The pair recounted how anxious and desperate citizens, many hoping to return to work in South Africa, rushed to the border, with shocking videos of people climbing the steep pillars of the bridge between the two countries circulated on social media.

In response to the rapidly unfolding events, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the closure of 20 more land borders, including Beitbridge, Lebombo, and the main crossings into Lesotho, eSwatini, and Botswana.

This was to avoid further ‘super spreader events’ at the border posts, he said.

At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, South Africa closed 35 of its 52 border crossings and two of its eight ports.

Declaring the latest Level 3 restrictions, Ramaphosa said trucks transporting goods, people with visas, work or residence permits for South Africa, and schoolchildren commuting daily were exempt from the latest regulations.

So too are people seeking emergency medical services and South Africans returning home.

Regional states bypassing SADC

“Ideally the measures by Zimbabwe and South Africa should have been discussed within the framework of SADC – an organ dedicated to promoting regional integration,” the two ISS researchers said.

Since the pandemic began, the SADC secretariat in Gaborone has tried to ensure the free movement of goods and services by adopting guidelines to facilitate their movement across borders, said Louw-Vaudran and Chikohomero citing a senior SADC official who heads a regional trade and transport facilitation cell to ensure dialogue and coordination on COVID-19 restrictions.

Lovemore Bingandadi told ISS Today that the guidelines are slowly making a difference as COVID-19 regulations by individual countries are visibly conforming to one another.

“However, states still don’t use the SADC mechanism,” he told the two researchers.

“The secretariat wasn’t officially notified of the new restrictions and border closures by Zimbabwe and South Africa, as was agreed when ministers adopted the guidelines last year.”

Multiplicity of government departments dealing with border issues

One of the problems, the two ISS analysts point out, is the multiplicity of government departments dealing with border issues in each SADC country.

“Coordination within countries isn’t streamlined and this is compounded at a multilateral level. Besides, the SADC secretariat doesn’t have any mandate to enforce regulations and relies on the will of member states.”

Bingandadi told the ISS that the new border closures will affect cross-border traders who provide an essential economic lifeline to citizens of many member states.

“It is a challenge for governments in the region to balance the well-intended public health measures with the economic and social impact of the measures.”

COVID-19 has exposed the weaknesses of cross-border infrastructure and the lack of coordination, Bingandadi added.

“If one country wakes up and chooses to close borders, innocent citizens are caught up in the middle because they presume there has been dialogue.”

Bingandadi told the ISS he hopes the current crisis will impress upon SADC leaders the importance of working together.

“Surely the visuals of people sleeping at the Limpopo border will be a wake-up call for better communications.”

Political mistrust among SADC member states

While the SADC secretariat can address technical issues among member states, the political obstacles and mistrust between governments are also part of the problem, note Louw-Vaudran and Chikohomero.

Zimbabwe has accused South Africa of being “reckless and cynical” in allowing thousands of potentially COVID-19-positive Zimbabweans back over December’s festive period.

Harare was in turn accused by Pretoria of failing to implement COVID-19 tests and quarantine measures for returning citizens, according to Zimbabwean commentator Ibbo Mandaza speaking on YouTube.

Siphosami Malunga, Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa Executive Director, told ISS Today that the unprecedented context of COVID-19 had to be taken into account when considering the impact of South Africa’s recent border closures.

“The virus spreads through the movement of people; drastic measures such as border closures are part of containing the pandemic. However, the political aspects of the issue cannot be denied.”

Zimbabwe’s unilateral closing of its borders suggests the government is ready to ignore diplomatic protocol and courtesy required by the regional integration agenda, Malunga said.

He added that the resulting undue harship for Zimbabweans shows a “ruling elite that doesn’t care about the welfare of citizens or feel accountable to them.”

Efforts by South Africa’s government to weigh in on the economic and political crisis in Zimbabwe in the past few months have been undermined by the border crisis, Louw-Vaudran and Chikohomero pointed out further.

“It has strained the relationship between the two governments’ liberation allies, the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF) Zanu PF and the African National Congress (ANC).”

“The unilateral border closure by ZANU-PF wasn’t a very brotherly move. If [the ANC] ever thought ZANU-PF was exercising good faith, they may now revise their thinking,” Malunga added, while in full agreement that SADC is the forum to discuss border issues.

Strengthening SADC should be one of the priorities for the region’s leaders to avoid a repetition of what happened over the festive season, Louw-Vaudran and Chikohomero concluded.

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