R63m on VIP security in Ekurhuleni Metro where a ‘crime is committed every nine minutes’

Sixty-three 63 inspectors who are responsible for the safety and security of Mayor Mzwandile Masina and other ‘VIP designated individuals’ cost Ekurhuleni metro taxpayers more than R63-million per year.

This is according to DA MP Mike Waters MP and DA Clr Jaco Terblanche citing a recent reply to a DA parliamentary question which revealed that ratepayers in the City are paying R63 465 885 for the inspectors to ‘protect’ the Metro’s mayor along with his VIP city officials.

Waters said the written parliamentary reply further revealed that each of the inspectors receives a R35 143 monthly salary, R42 171.60 in monthly overtime and VIP allowance, R5,285 for a monthly standby allowance, a R600 monthly cellular phone allowance, and a R9 000 annual clothing allowance, the Benoni City Times reported.

This gives each VIP protection officer an average monthly salary of R83 949.60 or an annual salary of R1 007 395.

‘VIP’s’ being protected, number of people protecting them, and annual cost to ratepayers:

• The Executive Mayor with six protectors at R6 044 370

• Speaker with three protectors at R 3 022 185

• Chief whip with two protectors at R2 014 790

• Chairperson of MPAC with 1 protector at R 1 007 395

• Member of Mayoral Committee (MMC) Community Safety with three protectors at R 3 022 185

• MMC Finance with three protectors at R 3 022 185

• MMC Community Services with three protectors at R 3 022 185

• MMC City Planning with four protectors at R4 029 580

• MMC Energy, Water and Sanitation with four protectors at R4 029 580

• MMC Transport with four protectors at R4 029 580

• MMC Environmental Resource and Waste Management with four protectors at R4 029 580

• MMC Corporate Services with four protectors at R4 029 580

• MMC Infrastructure, Roads and Water with four protectors at R4 029 580

• MMC Human Settlement with nine protectors at R9 066 555

• City Manager with six protectors at R6 044 370

• Chief Financial Officer with one protector at R 1 007 395 and

• Chief of Police with two protectors at R2 014 790.

Violent crime committed every nine minutes in Ekurhuleni

“While police are primarily responsible for combatting crime, the City does have a role to play in combatting crime through metro police officers patrolling streets and deterring criminals from committing crimes,” said Terblanche, Benoni City Times reported.

“It is unacceptable that crime is raging out of control for ordinary residents while the mayor and his chosen few have the luxury of personal protection at the cost of ratepayers.”

“As it is, the latest crime statistics released by the Minister of Police for 2019/20 paints a horrific picture for the residents of Ekurhuleni,” he added.

“More than 56 893 violent crimes were reported throughout the City, and these included murder (1173), sexual offences (2528), attempted murder (1160), assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (8533), robbery with aggravating circumstances (11580), rape (1966), hijacking (2138), robbery and burglary at residential premises (12873), robbery and burglary at non-residential premises (5469), drug-related crimes (9473).”

“This shockingly translates to 156 violent crimes per day or 6.5 per hour or one every 9 minutes.”

“If the mayor really cared to make a real difference, he should rather allocate the 60 VIP inspectors to the Tembisa police station precinct that is one of the worst 30 police stations across the entire country for ten different crimes. Imagine what positive impact these 60 VIP inspectors would have on the lives of residents who live in constant fear.”

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