‘My father drank black tea’ – Alleged drug lord Teddy Mafia mourned

The daughter of alleged Durban drug lord Yaganathan Pillay – better known as Teddy Mafia – has described her father as a modern day Pablo Escobar, citing his philanthropy within the Chatsworth community as outweighing the evils he is purported to have committed over an alleged crime spree that spanned decades.

Pillay was gunned down in his Durban home on Monday 4 January before scenes of pandemonium broke out on the surrounding streets. Community members captured the alleged suspects, set them alight, and finally – and in the most casual manner imaginable – beheaded them before engaging in a shootout with responding police officers.

Teddy Mafia murdered in Chatsworth home  

Pillay’s daughter, Navechnie Chunder, told Iono Fm on Tuesday that her father had invited the suspects into his home, and that the men were known to him. “I was sitting inside the house with the baby. My father had been saying the whole day that his two friends are coming,” she said. 

“I heard shots, and as I came down I saw my father was already shot on the chair. We rushed him to hospital.”

PIllay succumbed to his injuries en route to hospital, all the while police were engaging in a shootout with community members who had taken the law into their own hands. 

“Upon arrival of the suspects at their home, the daughter proceeded to the back of their property where she heard gunshots,” said Brigadier Jay Naicker on Monday afternoon. “The daughter then established that her father had been shot. The community apprehended both suspects and they set them alight – thereafter beheading the both of them.”

Graphic video shows community member beheading suspect 

A video of the beheading has been widely shared on social media. Too graphic to share, it shows a member of the community nonchalantly striding towards the lifeless bodies of two men on the busy street, before accepting an axe that is handed to him and hacking the head off one of the suspects, allowing it to roll down the road. 

The reaction of the community – clearly incensed by the killing – perhaps speaks to the appraisal of Teddy Mafia provided by his daughter, who saw her father as a man who sought the betterment of his community, a community in which he himself had grown up in poverty.

“My father drank black tea – that’s the kind of person he was,” she said, using a phrase suggesting that Pillay was a humble man, brought up poor, whose family couldn’t afford milk to sweeten their tea.

Pillay ‘never found guilty’ of crimes he was accused of  

Chunder insists that despite allegations that her father ran one of the largest drug operations in Kwaulu-Natal, he had never been proven guilty. 

And even if he had been, why should he be remembered for the crimes he allegedly committed?

“He wasn’t proven guilty. Although he was accused a number of times, he wasn’t proven guilty on it,” she said. “People say ‘he did this wrong, he did that wrong’, but what about all the good things he did? What about your children getting food in their mouths, going to school? What about the churches, temples, mosques [he funded]? What about the police stations all eating off his money?”

She said that Teddy Mafia was a “good, loving” person, and that his concern for his community always outweighed any ambition of grandeur. 

“He gave bursaries to schools, money to churches. He had feeding programmes. He didn’t care about himself. He didn’t have to live here in Chatsworth – he could have lived in mansions and castles – but he stayed to look after his community and the people who couldn’t help themselves.”

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