#MusicExchange: Rapid-fire Q&A with firebrand activist-singer Amy Tjasink

She is small in stature but make no mistake — Amy Tjasink is a powerful force when it comes to her music and fighting the scourge that is gender-based violence (GBV).

The gutsy singer/songwriter from Cape Town is a multi-talented musician and a proud anti-GBV activist. 

Since being a Top Seven finalist on The Voice South Africa in 2019, Tjasink has released the successful singles  Spiderman Kiss and Game Over.

 Tjasink, 27, also opened the DHL Stormers and Friends video next to Springbok Steven Kitshoff, which was recorded in March 2020 before the Coronavirus pandemic took hold.

Check out the video here:

Tjasink is a bright young visionary whose signature vocals and singer/songwriter abilities provoke deep thought and heart-wrenching emotion within the listener. This is especially evident in her latest offering I am a Fire, an anthem dedicated to the fight against GBV.

“For years, I have had a yearning in my soul to create something bigger than my own dreams,” Tjasink said.

“I have wanted to use my talent, music and various platforms to make a true difference, and that difference now comes in the form of the ‘I am a Fire’ Anti-GBV Campaign, which is intended to create enough awareness around the absolute devastation that is caused by gender-based violence.”

Watch the ‘I am a Fire’ video here:

The South African catches up with Amy Tjasink

The new decade means?

Competing with Generation Z.

Fame is about?

Being fabulous.

Retirement will happen when?

You turn 60.

I don’t do?


What does music mean to you?

Expressing feelings you can’t in any other way.

What is the most enjoyable aspect of your work?

Bringing happiness to an audience.

Any funny moments on stage?

Falling off the stage when I was exciting in front of my entire middle school.

Your heroes?

My dad, my mom and my partner.

Which living person do you admire most and why?

My dad – for never giving up and always working hard.

What is your most treasured possession?

My acoustic Fender.

It’s your round: What are you drinking?

Pina colada.

Dream gig to do?

I’d love to play in Kirstenbosch Gardens. 

What makes you stand out?

I’m a small girl with a big guitar.


Bunny and Amz.

If you were not a musician what would you do?


Pick five words to describe yourself?

Short, bossy, cute, determined, bubbly.

Amy Tjasink GBV video
The ‘I am a Fire’ video features Tjasink, second from right, alongside Erin Dulamo, Summer Mentz and Noluthando Mtshengu. Image: Supplied

Five favourite South African albums of all time?

I cant possibly choose as I love all South African musos!

Greatest Movie Ever Made?

The Count of Monte Cristo.

What song changed your life? 

Meant To Be by Bebe Rhexa, as it was my The Voice SA audition song.

Who do you love?

My family and friends.

What is your favourite word?


Favourite fashion garment?

My leopard-print coat.

Give us some real, proper slang and what it means?

I don’t know too much slang as I grew up in Fish Hoek lol. 

Watch: Amy Tjasink and Jimmy Nevis sing ‘Game Over’:

Top of your bucket list?

Visiting Rome and the Vatican City.

Your greatest achievement?

Representing South Africa at the High Coast Songwriting Camp in Sweden.

What do you complain about most often?

Being tired.

What is your fear?

Getting old too quickly.

Happiness is?

Enjoying the present.

On stage I tend to?

Get lost in my stories.

The best life lesson you have been taught?

That success shouldn’t be measured against what others are achieving.

Do you get worked up while watching a sports game on TV?

I don’t watch sport.

Where would you like to be right now?

In my pajamas watching Netflix!

Do you do charity work? If yes, what do you do?

I have been trying to raise money through my I am a Fire campaign for The Safe House, which provides a safe space for victims of gender-based violence.

Wishes and dreams?

Wishes: For the COVID pandemic to end and for musicians to be able to work again properly. Dreams: To be financially stable as a musician.

Follow Amy Tjasink on social media @amytjasinkmusic on Facebook and @amytjasink on Instagram.


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