X-rated star opens world's first porn university

Colombia-born porn actress Amaranta Hank thinks there's a need for sex classes. Picture: Instagram
Most young people choose their tertiary education based on the career they'd like to pursue. So what exactly would you learn if you registered for a semester at the world's first university of porn?
Colombia-born porn actress Amaranta Hank thinks there's a need for sex classes and opened her Porn University in in Medellin, Colombia. According to The Sun, the sex school offers workshops and conferences which specialises in production, acting and sales of pornographic materials.
With a previous career in journalism, Hank rose to fame after losing a bet in which she promised to strip naked for a shoot with SOHO magazine if her home football team got promoted to the top division.
She hasn't looked back since then. Now she wants to share her infinite knowledge of the adult film industry with other budding actors and producers.

The school offers "live practice" with Hank professing the best way to learn how to do something is to do it yourself.
She also reportedly films racy scenes with up to 12 people in a day and hopes to pass on practical tips in resilience and motivation in her x-rated lectures, as well as show them how to enjoy their work, reported the British tabloid.

"The idea came after receiving several messages daily from people who confessed to me being tired of their work routine, and their desire to become porn stars or enter the business," she told The Sun.

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