David Makhura denies involvement in PPE corruption

Gauteng Premier David Makhura insists his hands are clean and has called on the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to look into allegations of personal protective equipment (PPE) corruption linked to his office. Individuals and companies are alleged to have been handpicked to receive lucrative contracts.

This after the Democratic Alliance approached the Hawks, to request that they investigate allegations of PPE corruption in the province and wants action taken against Makhura.

“I wish to reiterate that I have never given any names of companies or contractors to the former CFO nor have I given any instructions to government officials to appoint any service providers in any state institution or government department,” Makhura said.

“We view any allegation of malfeasance in a serious light, and in this regard, we have requested the SIU to investigate the allegations that the Office of the Premier was involved in procurement irregularities in the Department of Health”

Gauteng Premier David Makhura

The former Gauteng Health Department chief financial officer, Kabelo Lehloenya, revealed in an affidavit that she would often be instructed to award PPE contracts to certain people, and implicated Makhura and former Gauteng Health MEC Dr Bandile Masuku’s offices.

“Those suppliers provided their contacts at multiple levels. Some came directly to me. Others came through the HOD (Professor Mkhululi Lukhele, who has since resigned). Some came from the office of the MEC (former MEC Dr Bandile Masuku) and others from the office of the premier. Yet still there were others from other employees within the GDOH (Gautent Department of Health) and outside,” Lehloenya said in an affidavit.

In December 2020, the Special Tribunal found that Lehloenya’s claims had merit.

David Makhura willing to face Integrity Commission over PPE corruption claims

David Makhura met with the ANC’s leadership on Thursday, 28 January 2021, to discuss matters related to PPE corruption in the province. Particularly in the wake of allegations that the provincial education department forked out more than R430 million to sanitise schools.

Makhura said he has informed the ANC that he is willing to face its Integrity Commission and give his side of the story.

“In addition to those legal steps I’ve taken, I’ve also briefed the ANC leadership about the fact that I want to go to the integrity commission, I briefed the ANC provincial leadership on this matter. As these processes are unfolding, I want to go to the integrity commission. I am clear in my mind, I have a clean conscience,” he said.

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