A horse, pony and dog showcase their stunning spots [photos]
Meet the horse, pony and dog who recently showed off their identical spots which subsequently went viral on the internet.
Wowing strangers with their unique matching spots
According to reports, horse trainer Greetje Arends-Hakvoort has three identical looking pets – one Appaloosa stallion, one Shetland pony and one Dalmatian dog – all of which showcase the same stunning black spots. Yes, Appaloosa stallion Nevada, 10, Shetland pony Napoleon, six, and Dalmatian Jack Sparrow, two, are the best of friends and love wowing strangers with their unique matching spots.
It is said that despite their size differences, the three animals love to play together, with owner Greetje regularly catching them running, training, and having fun together.
Greetje, from Kootwijkerbroek, The Netherlands, said that she always wanted a Dalmatian dog and she loves spotted horses.
“People always smile when they see the three together; often people refer to the 101 Dalmatians film and it brings up nice childhood memories for them.”
She said that when Jack was younger, he saw himself as one of the horses and he fits in perfectly.
“Trust is the key word here; horses thrive when trust exists and they need to feel comfortable and self assured and Jack does exactly that. There’s a lot of horse and dog love there between them. We have even more spots here now as the family is growing! We have three other horses and training them is my passion.”
The ‘whole dotted family’
Greetje also said that she loves taking the animals out with her seven-year-old daughter Jolie Lune Arends, who enjoys riding Napoleon.
“Napoleon was actually born at the same time as Jolie so they grew up together and now they are the best of friends.”
About spotted horses
Spotted horses have been around for a very long time, even though they aren’t that common among the more prevalent solid, gray and pinto coats. Early cave paintings show spotted horses and scantily documented pedigrees of some spotted breeds goes back for centuries.
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