Just in: Zuma will face criminal charges after ‘fleeing from Zondo’

DCJ Raymond Zondo has confirmed that the State Capture Inquiry and its legal secretary will file a criminal charge against former president Jacob Zuma, after he absconded from the Commission last Thursday. Following the failed attempt to get Zondo to stand down from the panel, the 78-year-old stormed out of the building – in breach of his official summons.

It was revealed that Zuma was in contravention of The Commissions Act when he excused himself from proceedings and left himself on some very shaky legal ground. Zondo addressed those in attendance at the State Capture Inquiry on Monday, confirming that ‘all citizens are equal before the law’ – and revealed Zuma is now subject to police charges:

“Any person summoned to attend and to give evidence before the commission is required to do so. A failure to do this means that person will be guilty of an offence. We are all equal before the law. The law is binding and it was not up to him [Jacob Zuma] to excuse himself.”

“I have decided that the Secretary of the commission should lay a criminal charge against Mr. Zuma with South African Police Service (SAPS). The Secretary of the commission will still issue summons containing the dates at which Mr. Zuma will be required to come back and appear before the State Capture Inquiry.”

Raymond Zondo

State Capture Inquiry woes deepen for Msholozi

Things could get even worse for Jacob Zuma, too. Zondo went on to announce that the Commission would go through ConCourt to force uBaba into facing their questions. It seems JZ can run, but he has nowhere left to hide…

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