US Election: Six major highlights from the Biden vs Trump debate

The final debate for the US Election 2020 has taken place in Nashville, as Joe Biden and Donald Trump locked horns once more. Of course, there was a bitterness to the clash, but it seems the candidates have put the dumpster fire of the first debate behind them. This was a much more ‘presidential’ affair – but how did it all pan out?

Joe Biden vs Donald Trump: Highlights from the US Election debate

Biden crushes Trump on coronavirus response

In a largely unflappable performance from Joe Biden, he came on strong when discussing the president’s coronavirus response. Arguably a free hit for the challenger to the incumbent, the Democratic nominee knocked it out of the park with his scathing criticism – slamming Trump for ‘panicking’ when the nation needed leadership:

Fracking debate ‘rattles’ Biden

Biden’s trickiest moment on stage came when Donald Trump challenged him on his fracking stance. His political rival has flip-flopped on this topic several times, and the president was able to trip the Democrat using his own words. Joe Biden was even picked out by the CNN fact-checkers for the claims he made on Thursday.

Joe’s knockout-blow on institutional racism

Despite the ‘fracking punch’ smacking Joe in his jaw, the presidential hopeful recovered well. In an election where many people are craving a form of normality, Biden’s greatest advantage is his rock-steady demeanour. However, the man in the blue corner proved he could ease through the gears and turned on the style during a debate on institutional racism.

Donald Trump slams opponent for vice presidential record

This was better from Trump. Much better. But the bar had been set so low for the president following the previous debate, he didn’t have to do a great deal to show improvement. The Donald did manage to get one over on Biden, when talking about his previous stint in office as vice president.

Racism became an ‘inescapable’ topic – and it hurt the president

However, that’s about as good as things would get for Mr. Trump on Thursday. The issue of racism resurfaced, and his claim that he was ‘the least racist person’ in the room didn’t go down well with many:

“We can’t lock ourselves in the basement like Joe” – DT’s pandemic response falls short

Trump is adept at playing to his base, and despite the US now facing a third wave of coronavirus ahead of any other nation, he stated that the country would have to get back on track and ‘refuse to lock ourselves in the basement’ – it’s one of those soundbites that will play well to Republican voters, but it’s unlikely to swing other members of the electorate.

Joe Biden vs Donald Trump: Who won the US Election debate?

It was a relatively civil and well-fought debate, all things considered. But Joe Biden just about comes out on top. Several scientific experts believe the Democratic challenger was the most factual and gave answers with the most substance. Donald Trump was much more reserved but was left flailing when pushed on matters related to COVID and white supremacy.

This was perhaps too close to call for Biden however, who didn’t have things all his own way. With less than two weeks until the polls open, Trump did show he was capable of cutting a more capable figure, but, knowing that this polished version of the president won’t stick around long, it’s likely to be a case of too little, too late for POTUS.

Fox News, and other conservative media outlets, have it down as a slam dunk for Trump. But that’s not the case for anyone. The president tapped into his 2016 ‘mojo’, but ultimately, he now has a four-year record of mistruths and questionable leadership against his name – something Hilary Clinton couldn’t pick holes in during the last campaign.

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