Mboweni sparks outrage over Tygerberg Hospital segregation ‘lie’

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni was in an impish mood during his Mid-Term Budget Policy Statement address at Parliament on Wednesday, cracking jokes and bursting into spontaneous verse periodically as he delivered government’s plan to finance South Africa’s Economic Recovery Plan. 

One instance though – in which he trailed off from the figures and charged that Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town remains segregated – had the House scratching it’s collective head, and the Democratic Alliance (DA) seething. 

The opposition party have now officially announced that they will lay charges against Mboweni at the Parliamentary ethics committee for having lied to the House. 

Finance Minster claims segregated structures remain at Tygerberg 

Mboweni said that the budget’s facility for infrastructure would support new projects, including upgrades to Hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) and Tygerberg in the Western Cape. 

“By the way, this Tygerberg thing,” he said. “It still has a black and white section. There is a section where blacks used to go and where whites used to go. So structurally, it’s still there. The thing needs to be removed and a completely new hospital constructed there.” 

Many in House expressed bewilderment at the claim, and members of the DA were visibly perturbed. 

“It’s unbelievable,” said Mboweni, shaking his head, before cheekily glancing over at the DA benches and saying “I thought that was a DA government there?” 

Mboweni frequently cited Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s epic poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner during the speech, but now he finds himself in the titular seafarer’s shoes facing a monstrous challenge of his own making. Rather than a storm of biblical proportions, it is the wrath of Natasha Mazzone over which he must now prevail.

MECs take it to Twitter as Mboweni defends himself 

A war of words ensued later on the day on Mboweni’s home turf – Twitter. 

Western Cape Health MEC Nomafrench Mbombo was furious at the suggestion, and said that Mboweni had insulted healthcare workers at the hospital.

“I demand an apology from Minister Mboweni for claiming that Tygerberg Hospital is segregational, his utterances are an insult to our hardworking Healthcare Workers,” she said. “I refuse to let this one go.”

“To claim that these dedicated men and women, who have worked long, difficult shifts over a period of months to save lives, would stand for racial segregation in their wards is deeply insulting,” she said in a subsequent statement

Mboweni then responded with a clarification that he was referring to the structures that once existed as separate facilities for black and white patients, and didn’t mean to suggest that segregation still exists at the hospital. 

“Please do not over-react. There are still two structures there at Tygerberg Hospital. One was for blacks and the other for whites. They exist,” he said. “What does not exist any longer is the segregation of patients. That is the reality. You might not like it.”

DA to lay charge with ethics committee 

DA Chief Whip Natasha Mazzone released a video on Wednesday evening and said that Mboweni “should be ashamed of himself”

“Perhaps in an attempt to hide what is a disastrous budget, Mr Mboweni decided, off the cuff, to lie to the people of South Africa as well as members of Parliament,” she said. 

She condemned the remarks as “a blatant and damaging lie”. 

“It is also a slap in the face of all the hard-working doctors and staffers and nurses who work at the at the hospital, who daily put their lives on the line to protect us in the Western Cape from the Covid crisis.”

“Minister Mboweni should be ashamed of himself. There are rules in Parliament – a member of parliament may not mislead the House or the South African people. For this reason, I will be laying as large with the ethics committee against Minister Mboweni.” 

She demanded a full apology to Western Cape Premier Alan Winde, Mbombo, and those working at the Tygerberg hospital.

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