In a class of its own: Torsus produces world’s most extreme school bus

It’s the kind of school bus you imagine folks like Rambo, Chuck Norris, Vin Diesel and even Dog the Bounty Hunter might use to get their kids to get school — if they wanted to go to school.

Even at a glance, the muscular new offering from Torsus — the Praetorian bus — simply screams bulletproof, pothole, protest and mini bus resistant —  and just perfect for South African conditions.

It was no wonder then, and to almost no disbelief, that Torsus has announced its astounding new machine with the claim that the Praetorian is the world’s most capable heavy-duty, off-road school bus.

And as the world’s “most extreme school bus”, one might immediately be tempted to imagine the vehicle doing school runs in regions like Afghanistan, Syria and even in some of South Africa’s more dodgy neighbourhoods.

Torsus praetorian school bus
Image: Supplied

Built for the toughest terrain

But while Torsus also produces vehicles designed for more military types of applications, the Praetorian was in fact built primarily to navigate the toughest and most inhospitable terrains around the globe.

As an international company founded in 2016, Czech Republic headquartered Torsus has been breaking new ground by designing, developing and manufacturing the world’s toughest off-road buses.

And according to the company, In the Praetorian,  it has built the world’s most capable heavy-duty off-road bus and the recent launch of another new addition to its stable — the Terrastorm — signals the Czech brand’s fearless ambition to grow further into the global heavy-duty 4×4 minibus market.

Torsus Preatorian: Meeting every demand

Torsus manufactures its vehicles in a purpose-built factory in Slovakia. It operates and retails in global markets to customers in heavy industry, utility and government service sectors. The company works with MAN and VW on key chassis and powertrain technologies

“The most challenging school runs in the harshest environments around the world can now be completed in comfort and safety. The bus features a raised ride height with huge ground clearance, 4×4 drive and rugged uprated tyres,” said Torsus.

“It includes specially adapted seats covered with protective coating made to rigorous Torsus standards. The bus can transport 35 children safely in the most inhospitable conditions,” continued the manufacturer, which explained that the bus had been innovated from its standard Praetorian platform.

Equally capable on-road, the vehicle’s bespoke original seats are styled around mathematics and science designs and are accompanied by seat belts suitable for all ages. Optional extras for the seats include a foldable armrest and hip support bar on the aisle side.

Torsus school bus
The Torsus school bus seats include polymer protective coating which makes them extra sturdy, and math/science motifs. Image: Supplied

What the Torsus Praetorian is based on

The Praetorian is based on an upgraded heavy-duty MAN chassis and is powered by MAN engines and drivetrain.

The school bus edition of the vehicle features uprated off-road Michelin tyres and coating on body parts meaning it is engineered to “take on any terrain, on any terrain, anywhere in the world”.

Vakhtang Dzhukashvili, who is the chief executive of Torsus, said: “The Praetorian is made to be adaptable and versatile, so naturally we are looking at other ways the bus can be used in various situations around the world.”

“The school bus was one of the first ideas we had, as the Praetorian is a safe and solid vehicle that we know can keep its occupants protected in even the most testing of conditions. Wherever in the world customers might need a school bus solution for safely and efficiently driving on testing terrain, the Praetorian school bus option that will deliver every time,” concluded Dzhukashvili.

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