Gauteng father sentenced to life for raping six-year-old daughter

A 40-year-old man from Springs, Gauteng will likely draw his last breath in prison after being sentenced to life behind bars for the rape of his six-year-old daughter.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) in the province, the man, whose identity has been withheld to protect the child, raped and violated her before giving her money to keep quiet.

“On 16 June, 2018, while the mother of the child had left her with the accused in their home, he penetrated her both anally and vaginally. After the incident, he gave her money and asked her not to tell anyone about what had happened,” said NPA regional spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana.

Girl tells grandmother about rape

It was only after a visit to the girl’s grandmother that the rape allegation initially came to light.

“Three days after the incident, while the child was visiting her grandmother, she noticed how the child was being overly emotional and uncomfortable. Upon enquiring, the child told her about the rape,”

NPA regional spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana

The hospital eventually confirmed that the child had been raped after the grandmother took her there.

“The grandmother reported the incident to the police and the accused was arrested on the same day. He denied the allegations,” said Mahanjana.

During trial, State prosecutor advocate Adele Erasmus argued that crimes against children should never be tolerated in a civilised society.

Erasmus painted the accused as a man who did the unthinkable towards his biological child – one he raised from infancy. The state prosecutor said the man’s duty was to love and protect her, but instead chose to do the complete opposite.

The child had sustained injuries to her private parts as a result of the act. Erasmus added that the man spared her no thought by letting her testify about the ordeal she survived.

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