Hawks: Norma Gigaba case ‘very serious’ as murder rumours swirl

Norma Gigaba, the wife of former Cabinet Minister Malusi Gigaba, has been charged with malicious damage to property and crimen injuria but according to South Africa’s Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation — the Hawks — there’s more to the case than meets the eye.

Gigaba, flanked by a team of legal experts, made a brief appearance before the Hatfield Magistrate’s Court in Pretoria on Monday morning. Gigaba’s lead lawyer, Victor Nkhwashu, condemned the 40-year-old’s arrest on Friday and motioned to seek restitution for her heavy-handed detention. Nkwashu argued that the meagre charges did not constitute an arrest and overnight stay in the Brooklyn police station.

While Gigaba and her legal team have consistently raised red flags around the Hawks’ involvement with the case, the elite crime fighting unit, more renowned for cracking down on corruption than solving domestic disputes, has defended its role in the investigation.

Hawks on Norma Gigaba case:It is a very serious matter’

On the surface, charges laid against Norma Gigaba stem from an incident involving the destruction of a luxury vehicle belonging to her husband’s friend. In July, video footage showing the extent of damage inflicted upon a Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon made waves across social media. It’s alleged that Gigaba vandalised the vehicle, causing over R100 000 worth of damage.

The Hawks say, however, that the vehicular vandalism is just the tip of the iceberg and that ‘more serious’ allegations are being investigated while Gigaba awaits her return to court in September 2020.

According to a Hawks insider, who spoke to eNCA on condition of anonymity, Norma Gigaba is accused of plotting her husband’s murder. Sources close to the case say that the Hawks’ involvement in the case began as early as May, when Malusi Gigaba raised concerns around threats issued by his wife. It’s alleged that the Hawks began investigating a conspiracy to commit murder, with Norma Gigaba central to the inquiry.

While Hawks spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi, has remained tight-lipped about the murder-for-hire plot, he did confirm that the ongoing investigation was not to be taken lightly, saying:

“It is not something very light, it is a very serious matter that we are dealing with and unfortunately, we cannot get into those details but this is just one part of the investigations that we are dealing with.”

Defence team has no knowledge of ‘murder-for-hire’ case

Nkhwashu denied any knowledge of an investigation into a conspiracy to commit murder, saying that, during extensive communication with the Hawks, allegations of an alleged assassination plot were not discussed.

Nkhwashu added that the timeline concerning Norma Gigaba’s arrest — which came more than a month after her husband initially raised red flags about a supposed murder-for-hire plot — did little to validate a potential case.

Norma Gigaba has been released on R5 000 bail and is expected to appear in court on 14 September.

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