Alcohol ban: Three-day window to purchase booze proposed

South Africa could function as a ‘dry country’ for the majority of the week once the alcohol ban is lifted. That’s according to proposals made by a scientist assisting the government on their lockdown restrictions.

Will the alcohol ban end in August?

Professor Charles Parry is the Director of Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs Research Unit for the SA Medical Research Council (SAMRC). He told Radio 702 that the group believes the time is right to review the alcohol ban in South Africa – but any decision to ease prohibition must come with caveats.

Parry states that a ‘basket of measures’ must be introduced to mitigate the effects of putting liquor back on sale. Booze was pulled from the shelves at the beginning of July, with President Ramaphosa citing concerns about the impact alcohol consumption has on hospital trauma units during this difficult time.

Lifting the alcohol ban: Only three days to buy your booze?

The professor reasons that one significant change could justify lifting the alcohol ban, while also limiting the opportunities for heavy drinkers to abuse the goods. Parry suggests that liquor sales should only take place ‘three days a week’, in order to prevent impulse buying amongst the populace.

“We’re saying you mustn’t lift the ban without preparing a basket of measures under the disaster management regulation. Maybe people would be able to settle some of the regulatory changes, without having a full ban.

“One of the things we’d look at doing would be limiting the days alcohol could go on sale, making it available for just three days a week. But you have to be aware of things like overcrowding. Many of our people buy alcohol impulsively on the day, we can limit things like ‘of the moment purchasing’.”

Charles Parry

Booze regulations proposed

The SAMRC has put several other measures up for review to allow for alcohol sales again:

  • The size of alcohol containers – such as 500ml beer bottles and 750ml bottles of wine – might be reduced.
  • Quantitative limits on how much alcohol one person can buy may be introduced.
  • An increase in police road blocks for drink-driving has been suggested, as has a ‘zero-tolerance policy’ for all motorists.
  • The SAMRC also want to make alcohol-related trauma a “notifiable condition” through clinical assessments.

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