Netcare is facing ‘significant increase’ in patients

Hospital group Netcare says it is experiencing a “significant increase” in demand for the treatment of COVID-19 patients, particularly in the Eastern Cape and Gauteng.

It has emphasised, however, that it is still able to accept new COVID-19 patients, or those suffering from other illnesses that require hospitalisation. This is despite rumours to the contrary that are doing the rounds.

Rumours of hospital closures are fake news, says MD

“We can understand that the public is concerned about hospital capacity, given the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, as well as some fake news circulating on social media that certain hospitals have been closed and that patients are being turned away from some emergency departments,” said Jacques du Plessis, Managing Director of Netcare’s hospital division.

Netcare currently had capacity in both critical-care units and general wards. He said it should be noted that not all patients admitted with the coronavirus, or as persons under investigation (PUIs) for the virus, required care in critical-care units (ICUs or high-care units), or needed ventilation or oxygen.

Netcare expects patient demand to escalate in weeks ahead

“The situation remains extremely fluid and we expect demand to escalate further in the coming weeks. We are therefore continuously assessing the demand for hospitalisation of COVID-19 patients, PUIs and other patients in order to manage resources effectively in a rapidly changing world,” Du Plessis stated.

If a situation occurred where one of the Netcare hospitals did not have capacity, patients would be transported to, and treated in, another of its hospitals which does have capacity,

Du Plessis explained that in certain instances, for example where a hospital experiences an unexpected staff shortfall, the facility may be temporarily placed ‘on divert’ for emergencies, in which case emergency medical services providers are notified and other hospitals in the area provide cover where needed.

According to Netcare, this practice has been in existence for many years. It stressed that emergency medical care will always be provided to any person who presents at an emergency department with a life-threatening injury or condition.

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