Jameela Jamil hits out at Kim Kardashian-West’s idea of beauty

Outspoken feminist Jamil has accused social media influencer Kardashian of being “deluded”.

Just last week, Jari Jones, an American plus-size model, and LGBTQIA+ activist became the first transgender black woman to be on a billboard in New York. This says a lot about how far we have come in terms of beauty and representation.

Then there was Kardashian who received backlash after an Instagram post which she shared.

Jamil spoke out against this post because of the particular beauty standards which it sets.

In the age of social media influencers, models, celebrities detailing their skincare routines and fashion trends coming in and out, it is very easy to follow a certain beauty routine.

Post-feminists have also encouraged women to love and be comfortable with their bodies. 

Jamil’s take

“If you know that it`s problematic, reductive, and irresponsible for her [Kardashian] to perpetuate such a heavily impossible beauty standard to her impressionable fans … then you’re empowered and conscious and don’t need me,” Jamil said on her Instagram post.

 “She’s [Kardashian] just too harmed and deluded into thinking that this is what she needs to look like to be special and beautiful and she is spilling it out onto her following.”

Kardashian is a public figure who has people looking up to her. She also is not only known for her looks. She is pursuing a law degree after becoming involved in a case where she made it possible for the accused, Alice Johnson, to receive clemency for a drug trafficking charge. She also inspires women to take charge and to be empowered.

A lot of what Kardashian does has post-feminist connotations. However, Jamil and others believe it becomes problematic when Kardashian sets a patriarchal standard of beauty.

For years celebrities have been setting the bar for a particular sex appeal and femininity. The truth is, though, that not all women look like Kim Kardashian-West. Post-feminism says that women are no longer required to fight for equality, reproductive rights, and voting rights amongst others.  

The harmful idea

Jamil’s message is that Kardashian might not be actively trying to harm women or sell them dreams but she needs to know what message she is sending.

How can ordinary women be encouraged to feel empowered in their own bodies when she is selling her kind of body? There is an argument that in her current position, the influencer should be promoting all body types.

In other words, Kardashian should be encouraging women to dismantle this worn-out prescribed idea of beauty.

The media will continue with this perception of beauty, until social media influences change the narrative.

Set the bar for yourself!

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