DA lays complaints with Zondo Commission, PSC over ANC ‘cadre deployment’ memo

The DA added that it has also laid a formal charge with the Public Service Commission (PSC), petitioning the PSC to investigate a leaked cadre deployment memorandum apparently sent by the ANC to all government departments.

In the said memorandum, which the DA said is in its possession, the ruling party insists that it has the right to intervene in the appointments of all Directors-General, chairpersons, CEOs, and boards of all state-owned enterprises.

What is in the cadre deployment memo?

The memo, the DA says, explicitly instructs ministers that “no appointment should be taken to cabinet without passing through the (ANC) deployment committee first.”

The document further stipulates, according to the DA, that ANC Deputy Secretary-General, Jessie Duarte, “should be informed of all posts prior to them being advertised and be sent the advert once they have been published.

The ANC, the DA says, also instructs members of the executive to submit to the party’s cadre deployment committee a list of abridged CVs of all applicants, a shortlist with complete CVs, and a list of recommended candidates.

The DA contends that the contents of the memorandum once again confirms that state capture has long been, and remains, the official policy of the ANC.

“Through cadre deployment, the ANC has completely undermined the separation between party and state, thereby ensuring that its cadres are appointed to powerful positions in the state in order to serve the financial and political interests of the party, rather than serving the people of South Africa.”

The DA says cadre deployment not only fuels the ongoing massive looting of public resources by the ANC, but has also drained the state of skills by rewarding political loyalty to the ANC above skill and merit.

“Despite an attempted denial by ANC spokesperson Pule Mabe, media reports over the weekend quoted at least five ‘highly placed’ sources within the ANC who confirmed that the memo was authentic,” the DA said, adding that one source even objected to the leaking of the memo “because government appointments should appear to be fair.”

“Cadre deployment is at the root of the corruption and collapse of our state,” and the DA, South Africa’s largest opposition party, said it will not rest until the practice is eradicated.

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