The Perfect Brunch Inspiration: Traditional Spanish Omelette
Spanish omelette, also known as a Spanish Frittata, is essentially a slow cooked omelette with sliced potatoes. It makes a perfect brunch, light dinner, snack or picnic treat.
Traditionally it is made using just four ingredients: eggs, potatoes, oil and onion. This is just the basic version, you can add the following extra’s that will go well:
- Veggies: Spinach, mushrooms, peppers, sun-dried tomatoes
- Fresh herbs: Basil, parsley or origanum
- Cheese: Feta or cheddar
- Meat: Chorizo, salami or bacon
The trick is too cook it slowly, as it will cook from the outside in. The middle will be a bit soft, but that’s okay. If the omelette is a bit too runny for your liking, pop it under the grill for a few seconds. Not too long as you don’t want it to over cook.
Serve just as is, or with a salad or homemade bread to make it a meal.
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