Ramaphosa on South Africa’s ‘job loss tsunami’: ‘Difficult days lie ahead’

President Cyril Ramaphosa has painted a grim picture of South Africa’s economic prospects, warning of further job losses, salary cuts and a hugely weakened fiscal position.

Ramaphosa’s weekly letter to the nation, entitled From The Desk of the President, personified the blue Monday mood on 22 June. While previous dispatches during the grim coronavirus-induced lockdown period have been centred on hope and assurances of a brighter tomorrow, Ramaphosa’s latest briefing, although sprinkled with elements of optimism, has offered little solace to a nation crippled by insolvency.

The president’s address follows announcement by major corporations — both in the private and public sector — of far-reaching liquidations, business downscaling and mass retrenchments.

Ramaphosa says South Africa’s economy will be hard hit

Ramaphosa noted that although the dire economic fallout, resulting from COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns, was a global phenomenon, South Africa, which already holds one of the worst unemployment rates in the world, would be severely impacted by the downturn. Speaking to the international crisis, Ramaphosa said:

“In April the International Labour Organisation forecast there would be around 305 million job losses worldwide. The situation of workers in the informal economy is even worse, with an estimated 1.6 billion workers in danger of losing their livelihoods.

For a country such as ours, which was already facing an unemployment crisis and weak economic growth, difficult decisions and difficult days lie ahead.”

Ramaphosa added that while relief efforts undertaken by both government and the private sector — including loans, tax relief, debt restructuring, extended credit lines and retail rental exemptions – had managed to mitigate the worst of the immediate financial fallout, the long-term prospects remained ominous.

Emergency budget as unemployment soars

Ramaphosa added that the economic collapse extended to government’s already-embattled coffers and, as a result, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni would be tasked with tabling an emergency budget before Parliament on 24 June. The president warned:

“The economic hardship that has been forced on a number of companies in the private sector will be forced on a number of entities in the public sector as well. The government, business, labour and civil society will have to deepen their collaboration as never before in driving the national recovery effort.”

The president noted that despite the country’s grim financial standing, proactive measures by some multinational firms — including the Ford Motor Company and Amazon — held hope for much-needed foreign investment. Still, Ramaphosa reiterated that the road to pre-pandemic levels of economic activity would be long and arduous, saying:

“There are tough times ahead. There are no quick-fixes and we have to be realistic about our prospects, especially about the time it will take for our economy to recover. Even the advanced economies will contract substantially because of COVID-19 and it will take a long time for economic output to return to pre-pandemic levels.

At the same time we remain optimistic.”

Despite the fierce socioeconomic toll, Ramaphosa reiterated his support for the nationwide lockdown which had managed to flatten the coronavirus’ curve and save lives.

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