‘Zol’ producer Max Hurrell reveals ‘talk’ with Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma
The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma has responded to the “When People Zol” song which was based on her speech. Proud producer of the hit, Max Hurrell, has let The South African in on what she had to say.
This comes after the Cogta minister asked to “talk” with Hurrell. Obviously about the song which she featured in.
Right so, if you didn’t before, now you know what the “zol” song is about more or less. You can also see how Nkosazana Dlamnin-Zuma couldn’t exactly ignore it. It features her, it’s catchy, it makes National coronavirus Council Meetings (NCCC) look fun. What’s not to love.
One that particular day, Dlamini-Zuma was essentially warning citizens about passing on zol. She said:
“When people zol, they put saliva on a paper and then they share that zol”.
Dlamini-Zuma was basically explaining that it could be dangerous regarding the transmission and spread of the virus. That’s all it took for Hurrell to spot an opportunity. Next thing you know, the “When People Zol” song was born.
As the song made its rounds and gathered ears, Dlamini-Zuma tweeted the following:
“Who is this Max Hurrell fellow? We just need to talk.”
Hurrell responded to her Tweet, asking her to follow him so that he could provide his contact details.
Speculation and anticipation was the name of the game from that point on. We all wanted to know what she would say to Hurrell if anything at all. Would she be mad at him? Would she think it inappropriate? Or would she think he’s a genius?
The good news is, we have the scoop.
So our first question, naturally was, did the minister reach out to you about “When People Zol?” And if so, what did she say?
Hurrel, a gentle soul, replied saying:
“The minister did reach out to me after she followed me back. We had a brief chat about it and she was very nice. She found it funny and encouraged me to keep doing good with my craft”.
What a relief! It’s good to know the minister found it funny and encouraged Hurrell to make more songs. She even followed him back on Twitter — bonus!
Hurrel said his response was what we’d expect: “I said thank you and that I’m glad the minister liked it”.
Hurrel said that when he heard her say the words “When People Zol” he immediately thought of a beat in his head.
Hurrel said he never officially released one of the “Parliament” songs because they usually take him about an hour or two to make (both producing the song and the music video).
“I decided to just have fun with my music brand and stop being so serious about it. I saw the marketing potential of the Zol song so I finished it the next day and put it out,” said Hurrell.
The musician said he started making these types of songs for videos about three years ago for fun and to grow his brand and show off his craft.
“I got better as the years went on and I guess I managed to do a good job on this one seeing as people resonate with it so much”.
Hurrell said his hope for the zol song was just to make people laugh. He said what happened after that was purely him capitalising on the viral potential he anticipated.
When asked which minister he thought would make for a good hit next, he jokingly said:
“Oh wow there are so many candidates. Let’s just say I’ll be watching”.
Hurrell’s ‘Zol’ song was at number three on the Apple Music main charts at the time of publishing.
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