Why we need a new mindset on cost-cutting and retrenchments

Could it be that one of the (arguably few) positives to come out of the current crisis for the South African business sector will be a greater sense of shared purpose between employers and employees?

A feeling that “we’re all in this together” and are united in pursuit of a common goal: to keep the business afloat and preserve everyone’s jobs — from the cleaner to the CEO.

It sounds utopian perhaps. Particularly if you’re someone who has been a victim of retrenchment during the pandemic.

Rather reduce all salaries and incentives?

But Nicol Mullins, senior business executive and exco member of the South African Reward Association, argues that perhaps cutting salaries and incentives across the board in an organisation is a far better way of taking on the current challenges. This would save many jobs and engender a feeling of “we’re all in this together – let’s find a solution”, rather than creating an adversarial situation where everyone ultimately loses.

This includes the business doing the retrenching, because retrenchments result in a catastrophic loss of institutional memory and valuable skills. The company is then weakened and ill-placed to take advantage of more favourable economic conditions when they come along.

Short-term thinking that bedevils our system

“Bizarrely, this (retrenchment) approach is often welcomed by the market and stocks often rise when retrenchments are announced,” he observes. “I would argue that this is simply indicative of the short-term thinking that bedevils our economic system, a finite mind-set as opposed to an infinite mindset.”

Mullins says there is often talk about a so-called “war for talent” and how long it takes an organisation to get employees trained and productive.

“Getting rid of the people so laboriously acquired and trained can never be positive if one takes a long-term view, as any board and exco must,” he notes. “It also sends a highly negative message that people are expendable in the quest for short-term gain.”

Rather level with staff about cost-cutting

What if, rather, the company’s leaders levelled with staff and said “we need to cut still more costs”? Mullins suggests that many employees would take a pay cut of some kind to retain their job – and the sense that the company is a family that looks out for its members would be enhanced.

“Such a company would come out of the lean times with the skills it needs to grow. More important still, a workforce with the right attitude,” he says.

“This global crisis provides a heaven-sent opportunity to rethink the way we look at remuneration and, more broadly, work.”

The South African Reward Association represents professionals operating in fields such as executive remuneration, employee benefits and staff incentives.

A dipstick survey recently conducted by the association shows that 41% of respondents have implemented senior staff pay cuts and some companies are cutting short-term (27%) and long-term incentives (23%). Twenty-five percent of respondents have still not made a decision about short-term incentives and 43% are pondering long-term incentive cuts.

This content has been created as part of our freelancer relief programme. We are supporting journalists and freelance writers impacted by the economic slowdown caused by #lockdownlife.

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