Soweto: Teen arrested for fatally stabbing 84-year-old in hospital

A teenager in Soweto facing charges of murder and attempted murder this week, after he allegedly attacked two elderly victims at the Bheki Mlangeni Hospital. The shocking crime claimed the life on an 84-year-old, and also left another senior patient fighting for his life.

Elderly patients attacked on hospital ward

SAPS issued a statement earlier on Monday, just before the youth was scheduled to appear in court. They have revealed that investigations are still ongoing, but they will need witness statements from nursing staff – many of who were left ‘traumatised’ by this unfathomable incident:

“The suspect was arrested on Friday at a hospital in Soweto where he allegedly stabbed two elderly men who were patients with him in the same ward. The 84-year-old victim succumbed to injuries while the 72-year-old victim is being treated in hospital after sustaining stab injuries.”

“Police are investigating circumstances leading to the attacks. Nursing staff who were still in a state of shock and trauma when the police arrived at the scene are expected to give witness statements as soon as they recover. A 17-year-old boy is expected to appear at Protea Magistrate’s Court on Monday.”

SAPS statement

Soweto hospital stabbing – warning signs ‘were there’

Jack Bloom is the shadow health MEC in Gauteng. The DA representative had previously explained his concerns about the hospital where this took place, claiming several serious assaults have been recorded at the facility before. Bloom is now pushing for a full investigation into the matter:

“The DA is horrified at the murder of an elderly patient, allegedly by a 17-year-old mentally ill patient, at the Bheki Mlangeni Hospital. I have warned previously about inadequate facilities and security at this hospital as there have been at least seven previous assaults by psychiatric patients.”

“Answers are needed as to why the hospital still does not have a properly staffed and dedicated psychiatric ward. There needs to be a full investigation and the hospital management held accountable for this terrible incident. Patients go to hospital to be healed, not killed.”

Jack Bloom

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