South Africa: Today’s latest news and headlines, Tuesday 5 May

Stay informed and up to date with the latest news in South Africa by reviewing our wrap major headlines on Tuesday 5 May.

Although millions of South Africans have returned to work this week, following the relaxing of regulations at Level 4 of lockdown, the socioeconomic catastrophe awaiting the nation’s most vulnerable has rights groups and politicians working furiously to develop urgent contingency plans.


SASSA glitches sour lockdown reprieve

Millions of social grant beneficiaries hoping to receive assistance from the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) are bracing for a day of long queues, payment delays and confusing glitches. This is if Monday’s experience is anything to go by.

The Department of Social Development (DSD) apologised for inconveniences caused during Monday’s payment run, which was marred by technical glitches resulting in beneficiaries receiving the incorrect amount of money. Minister Lindiwe Zulu said that, due to the strict social distancing measures directed by the lockdown regulations, payment processes had been staggered to minimise overcrowding at paypoints.

In addition, the administrative challenges resulting from the new COVID-19 social relief grant is expected to seriously impact SASSA’s ability to process payments.

Today, grants will be issued to the elderly and disabled. From tomorrow onwards, all other grants will be paid.

Government won’t back down from tobacco ban

With the full backing of President Cyril Ramaphosa, government and the  National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), has vowed to fight any legal challenge which seeks to overturn the controversial ban on tobacco sales.

This comes after Ramaphosa revealed that, despite initially noting that cigarettes would be sold during Level 4 lockdown, the NCCC’s decision to continue the prohibition of tobacco had his full support.

Both British American Tobacco SA (BATSA) and the Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA) have vowed to pursue legal action this week. FITA has argued that government would need to prove the connection between the sale of tobacco products and the spread of COVID-19 before a court of law.

South African artists fail to meet relief fund requirements

A majority of creatives, who applied to the R150 million COVID-19 Relief Fund established for the creative and sports sectors, have failed to meet the requirements.

“We are concerned that the largest number of those not recommended are artists, who are seemingly in greater need of relief,” the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, said on Monday in Tshwane.

Following the President’s announcement on the state of disaster as a result of COVID-19, the Minister held consultation meetings with the creative and sports sectors.

Subsequent to this, the Minister announced a R150 Million Relief Fund for the sectors. The deadline for submissions was initially 4 April 2020 but was then extended to 6 April 2020, to accommodate those that had not submitted due to limitations of the national lockdown.

After processing the data, the department received nearly 5 000 applications from the arts and culture sector and 300 from the sport sector.

The department has set a ceiling of R20 000 for the relief to ensure that as many people can access the funds.

The independent adjudication committees appointed by the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture has adjudicated a total of 1 050 applications in the arts and culture sector.

A total of 232 applications were recommended, 603 were not recommended and 203 were referred back to the department. (Source: SAnews)

Calls to lighten lockdown restrictions grow louder

Following the announcement by the National Treasury’s Director General, Dondo Mogajane, that the country’s unemployment rate could soar to 40% as a result of the coronavirus-induced lockdown, organisations are pleading with government to relax overbearing restrictions.

The Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry is one such organisation calling for the reopening of all businesses to stimulate economic growth and stave off a job bloodbath.

President of the Chamber Geoff Jacobs says that businesses, and not government, should be responsible for ensuring operational health and safety standards.


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