Sisulu slams top officials, as water department ‘wastes’ R16bn

It was suggested over the weekend that Lindiwe Sisulu would not have a comfortable time of it in the days to come, and the first storm seems to have arrived. The water and sanitation minister has revealed that her department has clocked wasteful expenditure of more than R16.5 billion since last year.

What the water department is accused of

The incredible findings have prompted the department to investigate ‘some of the most senior officials’ who work for the ministry – and one is suspected to be a close aid of Sisulu’s. According to a recently released statement, forensic teams may also be called to continue their probe, after the following was established:

  • A total of 48 serious misconduct charges were reported.
  • Six cases – implicating Director Generals and Chief Executives – were raised as a priority.
  • The maladministration has cost the department an eye-watering R16.5 billion.
  • Fruitless expenditure also hit R1.7 billion, and irregular contracts topped the R7 billion mark.

Lindiwe Sisulu’s issues may lie closer to home

Although Lindiwe Sisulu has vowed to fast-track the department’s investigations, she faces accusations of harbouring a badly behaved public official in her inner circle. Two whistleblowers claim there have been serious allegations of political interference within the board, by a top ministerial aide closely linked to Sisulu.

The aide has, allegedly, served in previous ministries headed by Lindiwe Sisulu, and now occupies a senior position on yet another Ministerial Advisory Committee. These allegations are focused on “sand water extraction” tenders during periods of disaster – relating to both the drought and this current global health crisis. However, the minister has made no reference to these accusations on Thursday.

Investigations into the widespread corruption are set to proceed immediately.

“We faced huge financial mismanagement in the water sector, with the result that many of our top officials at national and municipal levels are under investigation. All current investigations will be fast-tracked and ensure there will be follow-through consequences. If needed we will also call in forensic investigators to assist us.”

Statement from Lindiwe Sisulu

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