R350 unemployment grant applications are now open via e-mail
Applicants for the R350-per-month unemployment grant can already access the electronic form which they have to fill in ahead of the formal launch of the application process on Monday 11 May.
This comes as a welcome relief for many South Africans who have been in the doldrums of despair since the start of the national lockdown on 27 March, with a recent survey conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council and the University of Johannesburg, showing that 34% of South Africans has gone to bed hungry due to the lockdown.
The regulations about the temporary COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant have been gazetted on Saturday 9 May with some six million people expected to qualify for the grant.
Who can apply?
The grant will be available to South African citizens, permanent residents or refugees registered with the Department of Home Affairs over the age of 18 and who are currently unemployed.
Those who are receiving other forms of government assistance, including from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), do not qualify however.
People who live in a government-funded or subsidised institution will also be excluded from benefitting from the relief.
Applications for the grant will also be accepted via WhatsApp and SMS.
According to Business Insider, by Sunday, the WhatsApp number (060-012-3456) did not yet accept grant applications. During a test of the WhatsApp platform recently, 15 000 applications were already received.
The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has confirmed that these payments will be made on 15 May.
Sassa field workers to do manual applications
Manual applications will not be done at Sassa offices at all and there will be no need to fill in paper application forms, the Sassa said in a statement on Saturday.
Field workers will also be deployed to sign up those who don’t have access to technology.
No backpay
Once applications are approved, Sassa will request confirmation of bank accounts through a secure site – this will also be done electronically. Payment will be done to an approved bank account or – for those without a bank account – through a money transfer.
Importantly, payments will only be made from the date of approval up to the end of October 2020.
“If applicants apply in June, their payments will be from June and there will be no backpay,” Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu has said on a previous occasion.
To obtain the electronic form, applicants can e-mail SRD@sassa.gov.za.
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